7[the one with the ultrasound]

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I stared at Malcome.
"No," I said bluntly,"there's no way I..." I trailed off, it all clicked into place.
All the times I had been sick... Morning sickness.
Then suddenly being hungry... Cravings. I started at my brother with my mouth hanging open.
"See what I mean?" Malcome asked. I nodded slowly. He pulled me into a hug."let's get you checked out."
He took my hand and lead me up to the infirmary.


Will looked at Annabeth."you want me to check what?"
"I want an ultrasound," I confirmed after getting over my shock at Malcome's statement.
"Um okay," Will said,"I'll be back in a minute with the equipment. If you could lie on the bed an roll up your top."
Will walked out of the room and I lay down on the bed and rolled up my top exposing my stomach. Maldome sat down in a chair next to the bed and smiled at me.
"It's gonna be fine," he told me, I nodded, hoping that he was right.
Will came back in wheeling a machine. He stopped next to the bed I was on and pulled out a bottle of gel.
"This is gonna be cold," he said, before spreading some of the gel on my stomach.
It was cold.
Very cold.
Then Will turned on he machine and a screen came to life. He placed the scanner on my stomach.
"Look at the screen." Will said. We both looked up at the screen. Will moved the scanner around for a while and then stopped. In the middle of the screen there was a darker patch, four limbs and the start of a head could be seen."Annabeth," Will said, carefully,"this is your baby."
I smiled sadly as I looked at the screen."it's so tiny."
"I'd say you would be about 7 or 8 weeks," Will told me."everything looks fine."
"Thankyou," I told him as he handed me a cloth to while the gel off, I did that and then pulled my top down."can you guys do something for me?" I asked the two boys. They both nodded,"I need you to swear on the river styx that you won't tell anyone about this, especially not Percy." I glared at them.
They both nodded and mumbled the oath. Outside faint thunder rumbled.
"Thankyou again," I stood up and ran out of the infirmary, leaving two shocked campers behind me.

soooooo what's up?
Look! I updated!!!!!!!!!!
Here are some dots!
Remember to comment, vote and give me a follow!
~Em xx

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