21[the one at 11.26]

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"Nico?" I asked.
"Percy, there isn't much time, I'm going to stab you with this-"
"Woah, slow down, you're going to stab me?"
"Yer," he said in a 'duh' tone,"don't worry you'll be fine, here's a dracma,"he said holding out a coin,"when you wake up iris message me and I'll come find you."
I stretched out my hand and took the coin."Nico, you haven't explained any of this."
"Percy, this is the sword of Hades, if I stab you with it you'll come back to life."he looked down at his watch,"it's 11.26 now, when you wake up check the time."
Then he stabbed me, right through the chest.

Images flashed through my head. Everything that had happened over the past three months all things I remembered. But then it changed. I was in the underworld, crossing the styx, and then I was in front of the judges. Then I was walking through Elysium. Then I was in a house, talking to a group of people who I didn't recognise and then Nico was there stabbing me right through the chest.

We got to the big house soaked through to the bone.
"Chiron!" I yelled as me and Hazel burst through the door to the rec room, he was in his wheel chair, talking to Nico."what in Hades is going on?"
"I'm sorry Annabeth I have no idea what's going on," Chiron told us.
"It must be the gods," Hazel declared,"that's the only way it would've got past the border."
"What would make them angry enough to do this?" I asked. Nico looked down at his feet uncomfortably. I eyed him,"Nico? What did you do?"
He looked up at me,"I didn't do anything! I swear!"
"Okay then if you didn't do anything then you'll be fine swearing it on the river styx." I said crossing my arms and resting them on my pregnant belly. Nico flung his arms out in annoyance. He ran into the shadows and disappeared."What did he do?" I turned to Hazel who shrugged.

After Jason and Harry simultaneously passed out, Argus drove like a mad man to camp.
We arrived not to long after and carried the boys to the big house, fighting against the wind and the rain.
We stumbled inside and into the rec room.
Inside we found Annabeth, Hazel and Chiron. Annabeth looked up and saw them,"Piper." Her eyes fell of the two unconscious boys that me, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Argus were carrying between us.
"What's going on?" I asked her.
"I wish we knew," Hazel said as she got to her feet.
"There is one person who does know what this is all about,"Annabeth exchanged a look with Chiron,"Nico."

Cliff hanger.
Hope you liked the chapter anyway.
Remember to vote, comment and be fantabulous!
~Em xx

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