25[the one where Leo needs a filing system]

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As Annabeth and Piper explained what was going on to Leo and Calypso me and Jason exchanged looks.
How are we going to get him there, I asked, I've read the stories, you can only get there from being on the brink of death.
I don't know, Jason thought for a moment, But Leo got back.
By this time they had finished the story.
Jason turned to Leo, "Leo do you still have the astrolobe that you used to get back to Ogygia?"
"Uh," he scratched his head, "I took it off of Festus when we got back, it might be somewhere in bunker nine."
"Leo that place is huge!" Annabeth frowned, "if your saying it could be somewhere in bunker nine, then it could be a lot of places."
"Well I don't have like a filing system!" Leo said sarcastically.
"You should have one," Annabeth muttered, but Leo didn't seem to notice.
"If we start looking now we might be able to find it within a few months," Calypso thought out loud.
Leo laughed, "we'd better get started then."
"Right," Annabeth said, clapping her hands together, "Leo, Calypso, Jason, Harry, Hazel, Piper, Will and I can go to bunker nine-"
"No," Will said.
"No what?" Annabeth frowned.
"You're not going," Will crossed his arms.
"Why not?" Annabeth said in a disgruntled tone.
"You're pregnant and I'm your doctor," he said glaring at her, "you are not shadow travling, vapor travling, air travling or aperating," he stood up, "and there's no way you're walking in this, you're staying here."
"No buts Annabeth, you're staying here, doctors orders."
"I'll stay here," Piper said, "to keep you company."
"Right as I was saying," Annabeth continued with a small frown on her face, "you guys all go to bunker nine and start looking for the astrolobe, and Nico, you go find Frank, drop him at bunker nine then go make sure Atlanta is okay and bring her here and then go help the others."
Everyone nodded, and one by one disappeared."

Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I broke my iPad and for some reason I just can't write this story on my laptop.
Remember to vote, comment and do a fancy dance!
~Em xx

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