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It's been two weeks since I found out I was pregnant I still haven't told Owen, but tonight is the night he'll know because it's his 39th birthday.

"Good morning my beautiful Girlfriend" I hear from behind me before a small kiss was planted on my left shoulder.

"Good morning my sexy old man" I smile which turned into a laugh once I saw the look on this face.

"Haha, very funny" he says sarcastically.

"I have a lot planned for us today but first you need to go upstairs and change" I smile sweetly at him.

"What's wrong with what I have on?" He questions making me look him up and down before chuckling a little.

He had on a bring yellow shirt with white pants on and yellow church shoes..

"Baby, just put on what I laid out for you okay? Okay" I say turning around not giving him any other option.

I heard him huff before his heavy foot steps got further away, I mean I don't blame him he usually always wear black or white or a damn suit so I had to spice up his wardrobe a little cause baby...

A half an hour later..

"Do I have to leave mama? I wanna stay with you" Owen pouted as me and Malik tried to get him out the house already.

He was supposed to be going out to eat with his family first then they'll bring him back here where we'll all getting together and then his friends are taking him out tonight.

"Owen take your ass on boy! Stop being a little baby" I sigh becoming fed up with his over grown ass.

"Fine..but I want you all to myself tonight" he mumbled before kissing my cheek and leaving.

"Finally I thought that man would never leave" Malik chuckled.

"Right" I agreed with him before


"Damn Malik put yo big ass head down" Bisa snickers trying to start up a fight with Malik already.

"B you better leave me alone I'm telling you, today is not the day" he grumbles back.

She only laughed at his response but quickly replaced it with a mug as one of Owens aunties shushed her.

"The food was great mama I j-"

"Surprise!!!" Everyone said in sync as Owen and his parents walked through the front door.

Owen searches the crowd before his eyes land on me and a big smile spreads across his face.

"Thank you everyone..even though I hate parties especially on my birthday I'll let this one slide only because my beautiful future wife is here" he says while still having that big as grin making everyone chuckle and some say "aww".

Walking up to him I stand on my tippy toes to give him a small kiss on the cheek as everyone went to random places of the house starting up conversations.

"You ain't have to do this Amore"

"Yea I did, I didn't want my old man to have a boring birthday" I joke making him shake his head.

"Rowan! What's up?" Ray one of Owens uncle question.

"Nothing much, how you doing?" He asks as they 'bro' huh each other.

"I could be better..ya auntie sherlyn and marlin erkin my nerves but hey"

Owen only chuckled and nodded and I decided to let him go around and have a talk with his family, Heading towards the kitchen once I get there I spot Malik and Bisa sitting in the counter eating a sweet potato pie.

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