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N: Honestly think I might stop updating- the book barley has views or comments but I may stick it through for the 200 people who keeps reading 😊!


4 months later

"Yes mama I told him already" I sighed over the phone.

"Well talk again! He obviously isn't listening!" She fussed back, becoming fed up with me.

"I would if you'd stop calling every five minutes" I rolled my eyes before quickly hanging up.

See me and Mama J's conversation is about Malik he keeps saying he isn't going to collage because he wants to stay here with me to make sure I'm okay, I talk to him about it everyday and so does mama j but he doesn't seem to care and he acts as if his mind is made up and set on staying here with me.

Clicking on his contact name it rings for a few seconds before he finally picks up.

"Yes?" He questions in a sleep voice.

"What you doin' sleepin' at 3pm boy?" I chuckle.

"Im just really tired from last night.." he mumbled.

"Mmm, not even gonna question it, anyway you thought of what college you wanted to go to yet?"

"Ughh, Alheri how many times I gotta tell you that I'm not going to college" he groans..

Ahh here we go again.

2 hours later..


"Hey.." I mumbled rubbing my eyes while holding the phone to my ear.

"What's up with y'all and sleeping in the afternoon?" Alheri questions.

"Owen kept me up all night then finally decided to go to sleep an hour ago" i sigh.

"Mm, well I'm coming over there to get em, make sure he's ready" she rushed out.

"I just put him to sleep and you want me to wake em up?" I questioned while groaning.

"Yes! Hurry up cause I'm down the street" she fussed before hanging up.

Sitting up I rub my head before looking up at Owen to see him still knocked out.


"Hello?" I sighed answering the phone.

"There's a problem at the warehouse, they need you to come check it out" Nick explains.

"Alright I'll be down there soon"


It's been two hours since Alheri came and got Owen and it's only been 15 minutes since I started torturing Manny dyen.

"You're honestly making this harder on yourself just fuckin' tell me where he is!" I shouted at him while breaking his pinky and middle finger.

"I can't!" He cried out, sobbing loudly.

"Fuckin' fine then" I huffed going back over to the table and picking up some photos I received from Silas.

"Manny, Manny, Manny so here I have a picture of Alexis Dyen, Ryla Dyen and Your newborn Christopher Dyen" I taunt while throwing the pictures at his bloody feet, he looks down at the with teary eyes before looking up at me with pleading ones.

"Now I don't wanna hurt anyone other than you, so just tell me where your boss is and no one else gets hurt Yeah?" I questions staring straight at him.

𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 (𝘽𝙒𝙒𝙈 )Where stories live. Discover now