Till Death Till Us Part: Part 4

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Veronica's POV:

Back at the apartment, Harley sulks on the couch, while I place a hand on her shoulder in support, happy to let her vent out her frustrations.

Harley: "Ugh! I can't believe I wasted years on my life with that idiot clown."

Frank: "Oh, boo-fucking-hoo. I spent 10 years in a dog park. Come talk to me after a St. Bernard shits on your face!"

Ivy: "Frank, Jesus. Harley, I love you. In a very odd, hard-to-articulate way. And if you just stopped sabotaging yourself-"

Harley: "Unlikely."

Me: "Right, but if you did, the world would be yours. And you could be any kind of, circus performer you want."

Harley: "Yeah. You know, why am I still wearing this thing?"

Me: "I truly have no idea."

Harley and I share a chuckle as the doorbell rings. Ivy opens the door to reveal another one of Joker's goons.

Goon: "Joker-gram! Knew you'd make it . Let's forget the past. I sent this idiot to shout, let's have a blast!"

Suddenly, he explodes everywhere, all over the apartment.

Me: "Harls, for everyone's sake, you don't find this charming, right?"

Harley: "No. No, no, no, no, no."

Ivy: "Ok, cool. Yeah, yeah, cool."

Harley: "I mean, look, you know, there's obviously something super romantic about a man who explodes another man for you. But, but no. No, I'm totally finished with him."

Me: "Oh, finally!"

Harley: "Yeah, yeah! You know, I am so gonna show the world I am more than just Joker's girlfriend!"

Ivy: "There ya go! There ya go!"

Harley: "I'm gonna have my own capers!"

Me: "Goddamn right you are!"

Harley: "Like, like, like, I'll kidnap the mayor of Gotham and I'll put him in a missile and I'll, just, like, shoot it at the moon unless he names a highway after me, huh?"

Me: "Um, ok?"

Harley: "I'm actually still workshopping that. But me & the Joker, we are so through!"

Ivy: "Ok, cool, yeah. For sure."

Harley starts to walk through the door, before turning to me.

Harley: "You coming, Ronnie?"

Me: "Nah, this is something you need to do on your own. But, give Joker a couple of kicks for me."

Harley smiles with a nod, before walking off to Joker's lair.

Ivy: "Five minute head-start?"

Me: "God, yes."

Five Minutes Later

Ivy and I arrive at Joker's lair to find it destroyed, on fire, and practically impossible to rebuild, and Harley standing in the middle of it in a new suit with a confident grin.

Ivy: "Hey, we were just gonna see if you need any help, but you seem good."

Me: "Love the new look."

Ivy: "Gonna pick up some Thai food. Text me what you want?"

Harley: "Oh, wait. I'll have a green potato curry."

Me: "Alright, I can remember that. Text me the rest, k?"

Ivy and I walk off to the Thai place, while Harley walks off to talk to Joker. Can't wait to see his face when the three of us are running this town!

End of Episode 1

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