Till Death Do Us Part: Part 1

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Veronica's POV:

Frank: "Call her."

I'm sitting on the couch in our apartment, staring at my phone as it sits on the coffee table. I just got done watering Ivy's plants because she's in Arkham again.  Despite my current relationship with my sister, we've managed to stay friends and roommates. As much as I'd love to call to check up on her, I'm afraid said sister will also be there. It's also why I'm calling her instead of visiting in person.  

Me: "What if she's there?"

Frank: "Then you woman up and act like she isn't."

That, actually works. I pick up the phone, scroll through my contacts for Arkham, and press the call button.

Guard: "Hello?"

Me: "Hi, this is Veronica calling for Poison Ivy. She'll know who it is."

There's a brief silence before Ivy comes to the phone.

Ivy: "Hey, Ronnie!"

Me: "Hey, Ivy! Just calling to check in on you. Your plants are fine, by the way. Practically thriving, but they miss their mother. How are things in Arkham since I left?"

Ivy: "I miss them too. Things here are pretty boring, actually. But we got a new prisoner 183 days ago."

Me: "Yeah, who? Scarecrow? Bane? Penguin?"

Ivy: "Actually, it's your sister."

Figures. That's the last time I listen to Frank's advice.

Me: "Really? Where did the ass-clown leave her this time?"

Ivy: "On a yacht. Batman showed up during their heist and she got left behind. You should come see her."

I sigh with a forlorn look.

Me: "Ivy, you know why I can't do that. As much as I wanna see you, I don't want to start another fight with her."

Ivy: "Ok, I get that. I'll see you in a few months, ok?"

I smile at her understanding.

Me: "Yep, see you then."

182 Days Later

I'm doing a little spring cleaning while the news plays in the background.

Tawny: "And just mere moments ago, Poison Ivy led the prisoners in a breakout from Arkham, and into the real world."

Ivy's out? Yay! Just then, the front door opens to reveal Ivy with, an unconscious sister in her arms.

Me: "No! No way! I am not doing this! Not now. Come on, Ivy. We talked about this."

Ivy places her on the couch, and looks to me with a small smile.

Ivy: "At least stay in the same room as her. Look, she's out cold. When she wakes up, we'll see what happens."

Luckily, Frank is on my side in this.

Frank: "I did not ask for another fucking roommate."

Ivy: "Uh, when you pay rent you can make decisions Frank. Thanks for keeping my plants alive, Ronnie."

At that, Harley jerks up and stares at me in surprise.

Harley: "Ronnie?"

I smile nervously and wave.

Me: "Hey, sis. How's, uh, how's life?"

Harley crosses her arms and turns away from me.

Harley: "What is she doing here?"

Ivy: "She's been living with me since your fight, and it's time you two talked to each other face to face, like rational adults."

Me: "If she were rational, she would've dumped Joker years ago."

Harley turns to me in anger.

Harley: "I ain't leaving him behind!"

Me: "Oh, like how he's left you behind several thousand times? What is it gonna take for you to wake up and realize he doesn't care about anyone but himself?"

Harley: "Well, it takes one to know one. That's it! I'm out of here!"

Harley reaches the door but Ivy pulls her back with her vines.

Ivy: "Do you know how many times she's tried to talk to you? Every time we knocked on the front door, Joker or one of his goons always said you couldn't bear to look at her. And yet, she kept trying. Every year, because she does care about you, Harleen! You're her sister! Without us, she doesn't have anyone else. So, for once, you're gonna listen! You two were genius psychiatrists. Do you remember how you diagnosed me?"

Me: "Sure. A classic misanthrope with abandonment issues-"

Harley: "Who befriends plants to avoid human intimacy."

Frank: "Nailed it."

Ivy: "Frank!"

Harley and I share a small smile before looking away from each other. Then, Harley looks back to me in confusion.

Harley: "Wait, you're not a psychiatrist anymore? I thought you loved your job."

Me: "I did. But, after you & Joker escaped, they fired me. Said if my sister was crazy enough to trust someone like Joker, how could they trust her twin sister? So, I applied for jobs elsewhere. But, if Arkham couldn't trust me, how could anyone else?"

Ivy: "To be fair, you helped 2 inmates escape immediately after they fired you."

Me: "Hey, you mess with the Quinzel, you get the crazy."

Harley: "Who were the inmates?"

Ivy: "Me and-"

Me: "Not important. Anyway, I applied for jobs elsewhere, but if Arkham couldn't trust me, how could anyone else? So, I became 'Miss Mayhem', moved in with Ivy, and the rest is history."

Ivy: "Before all that, you two helped me, together. I can be around people now. You know, I mean, I hate it, but I can do it without vomiting. Veronica & Harleen Quinzel were the only doctors who ever got through to me."

Ivy releases Harley from the vines, and I go to stand before her.

Me: "Actually, before you got together with Joker, there was something I'd been meaning to ask you about a patient I had."

Harley: "Oh, sure, shoot."

I don a sly smirk before hiding it with a serious look.

Me: "Well, they were fixated on a murderous psychopath and won't end their relationship no matter how terribly he treats them."

Harley: "Come on, that's an easy one. It's a classic abusive codependency. You just gotta show 'em there's no future with him and they need to end it and find their own identity and-Oh, I see. Not bad. Ok, I'll do it. I'll dump the Joker."

Finally! Normally, I'd stay away from the Joker, but Harley needs her best friend, Ivy, and her sister, me, to help her through this. So, that's what I'll do. From here on out, no more running away from my problems! Now, let's go have a little chat with the sicko who hurt my sister.


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