Riddler U: Part 2

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Veronica's POV:

We walk over to Stephanie since she's one of the 'it' girls in school.

Me: "Hey, Steph, can we grab you for a second? We got some intel."

Stephanie: "So did I. Betsy Dunkhaven has a crush on Ava Stein but absolutely hates Hunter McMurray. Who could blame her? Hunter's got areolas the size of pancakes."

Harley: "We got some intel about the Riddler. He's inside. And we got wristbands."

Stephanie holds up a wristband of her own that says 'VIP'.

Stephanie: "It pays to be Chad's almost girlfriend."

When we walk in, Harley ducks her head under the question mark-shaped ice luge before Ivy pulls her away.

Harley: "What? It's an ice luge. You know I can't resist alcohol being poured down an icy surface."

Ivy: "Listen, Harls. Game face, ok? We gotta keep our eyes out for the Riddler."

I look to the side to see Riddler walking into a room marked 'VIP'.

Harley: "It might've just been Jiminey Riddles."

Me: "Then, who's that?"

I point to the opposite side of the room towards Jiminey as he sits in his full-body cast.

Stephanie: "The whole party is a fundraiser to cover his medical bills for the beating Harley gave him."

Harley: "I already donated."

We walk over to the VIP door. Stephanie's allowed in, but we aren't. So, we pull her back before she can walk through the door.

Harley: "You go in, you look around, you report back."

Stephanie: "What if I run into Chad and he asks me where we stand? I mean, sure, he gave me the weekend, but it would be awkward not to talk about it. But if we did talk about it-Oh, my god, it'd be just as awkward! I'm going to text my counselor."

Ivy: "Oh, my God! You're a fucking clay monster. Forget about Chad for 5 seconds and do your goddamn job."

Stephanie enters the VIP room, leaving us to devise a game plan. After a while, Harley gets impatient and knocks out the bouncer while everyone focuses on the beer pong game across the room. Walking in, we follow a pathway to a secret room full of students on hamster wheels, including Stephanie. This is how he's getting power, kinetic energy? Cruel, yet brilliant. No, God, focus!

Stephanie: "Hey, girls. So, I figured out how he's generating electricity."

Me: "By inviting people to fake frat parties, kidnapping them, and forcing them to run on hamster wheels, effectively turning them into human batteries?"

Stephanie: "Oh, wait. That makes way more sense than what I was thinking."

If someone slows down or stops altogether, they get electrically shocked, which causes Stephanie to shift from Clayface back to Stephanie.

Stephanie: "Oh, my God, that hurt!"

Then, Riddler steps into the light.

Riddler: "Well, what fortuitous timing. We just had three jobs open up. Congratulations, graduates. Welcome to the workforce."

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