L.O.D.R.S.V.P. Part 2

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Veronica's POV:

When we arrive at the L.O.D. headquarters, Scarecrow leads us around the building for a tour. We're currently walking past a hall full of giant, golden statues.

Scarecrow: "Pretty cool, huh? All the heavy hitters. Sinestro, Lex Luthor, Roger Goodell. Uh, FYI, we stand for the anthem here. This is the big leagues of evil. Ooh, think this might interest you. It goes throughout the entire office."

We pass by an aquarium as King Shark smiles in admiration.

King Shark: "Is that a fake diver and a castle?!"

Scarecrow: "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. That's a real diver. And you're free to eat him."

King Shark: "A real diver?! A real diver?! Is it my birthday?! *laughs in excitement*"

Harley: "What'd I tell you about this place? Did I lie? Did I fucking lie? I did not fucking lie!"

Scarecrow: "Also, heard we have an actor here. We do improve every Wednesday."

Clayface: "Huzzah!"

Scarecrow: "And we've got every resource your crew could want. For example, Miss Mayhem."

He hands me a key card with my name and picture on it.

Scarecrow: "Full access pass to our training room. Fully equipped with every weapon, gun, and means of defense you need. Also foolproof, fireproof, temperature-durable, etc."

I smile with a polite nod as thanks for the generous consideration of my, and any other metahuman's, powers. I never thought I'd say this, but I can see myself working here.

Ivy: "So, you've got a fish tank and you do improv? Wow, you're my shitty college boyfriend."

Me: "Ivy!"

Scarecrow: "No, that's all right. Did your shitty college boyfriend have-"

Scarecrow places his hand on a scanner as a window opens to reveal...

Harley: "A kryptonite-powered submarine that can turn into a car and shoot missiles?"

Scarecrow: "We have three of them. And they're available to our members at any time."

We walk towards an elevator to see Lex Luthor getting out of it.

Lex: "Harley, Veronica, so glad you could make it."

Harley: "Lex, this place is amazing."

Lex: "Not too bad, huh?"

Harley: "The grenade vending machine, a training room equipped for all of Ronnie's powers, and kombucha on tap? I mean, you guys thought of everything."

Lex: "I've been watching you both ever since you each went solo. And I haven't seen evil rising stars like you since-Well, since me."

Ivy: "Hey, buddy. Now that you're done kissing your own asshole-"

Lex: "That's not a phrase."

Ivy: "Why are we here?"

Lex: "Look, I'm sure you know about prospective member night, where every Legion member can nominate someone to join? Well, Harley, guess who I nominated? You."

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