A High Bar: Part 4

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Veronica's POV:

Joker: "Ivy, Mayhem, if you could just, you know, move over, so I could just kill your friend/sister."

Me: "Absolutely."

Ivy: "Over our dead bodies."

Joker: "Ugh! Female friendships."

Joker lowers his gun as Ivy surrounds him with vines and Venus fly traps. Joker raises his gun, we lock eyes, and his cell-phone rings.

Joker: "Hold on.-*chuckles*-I'm getting a call from my contractor.-*answers phone*-What? This is the Joker. Come again. Yeah, whatever. What do you mean they're not going to start till 10?!-*to us*-Ugh! Can you believe this? They're calling it a residential zone.-*into the phone*-It's an abandoned amusement park at the end of a rotting pier! I'll, uh-Yeah, coming over right now.-*to us*-Let's put a pin in this. You understand."

Ivy: "So, are we good to leave now?"

Harley: "Yeah. I can't believe you guys talked me into coming to this."

We walk past Mrs. Cobblepot as she holds up three goodie bags for us to take home.

Mrs. Cobblepot: "Don't forget your party favors."

Harley, Ivy & I: "Thank you, Mrs. Cobblepot."

{Time skip}

Later, in the apartment, the three of us are each eating a slice of cake we took from the party.

Ivy: "So, do you realize now that you don't have to prove to anyone how awesome you are?"

Harley: "Yes, except for the Legion of Doom. I need to get into the Legion of Doom."

Me: "What? After all of this, why would you wanna be a part of the club?"

Ivy: "Those guys are such dicks."

Harley: "No, not all of 'em. When we were leaving, Bane said, 'You go, girl'."

Ivy: "No, he distinctly said, 'Ooh, Go-gurt'."

Harley: "Ooh, what, they had Go-gurt? Oh, man."

Harley dons a dissapointed look. So, I pull out three packs of go-gurt with a bright smile.

Me: "Who's your favorite sister?"

Harley: "Yes! You are, Ronnie."

I hand Harley and Ivy a Go-gurt pack.

Harley: "Ivy, listen. Anyone who is a respected supervillain is in the Legion of Doom. That's when you know you've made it. If Joker can get in, so can I! So, that is what I'm gonna do!"

Me: "Plus, Riddler's not so bad. He actually seemed kind of nice when we were working together."

Ivy and Harley look at me with sly grins.

Me: "What? What's with the faces?"

Harley: "Um, does my little sister finally have a crush?"

Me: "No. We're just friends who work together, and occasionally go head-to-head against each other. No more, no less."

Harley: "Ronnie, you are definitely much more than that. You need to let this run wild!"

Frank: "What you need to do is get these 13-year olds out of the apartment. They're starting to take root."

We all turn to our right to see a group of boys in the other room, their plant-halves getting bigger by the minute. We walk into the room, Ivy holding a vial of the antidote.

Ivy: "Ok, boys. So, I got the antidote to turn you back into humans, ok? But the only effective way of doing it is when my saliva interacts with your saliva."

Marcus: "So, is this a kiss?"

Ivy: "No, it's not a kiss. It is an antidote delivery system, and nothing more. You will still be sexless nerds by the time the night is over, ok?"

Harley leans over to whisper into my ear.

Harley: "Nothing more. Where have I heard that before?"

I bite my lip to keep from saying anything, and watch as Ivy takes the antidote and delivers it to all the boys. The first one to receive the antidote walks back into the line holding a tree.

Ivy: "Yeah, I kissed you already buddy."

Marcus: "Yeah, I'm still a little bit tree."

Ivy: "Yeah, fuck off, get out of here."

Me: "Yeah, fuck off, kid."

Afterwards, I walk off to my room. Once there, I lean against the door in thought about what Harley said. Am I underestimating my feelings to avoid getting hurt by someone other than Harley? Or, am I actually right? Yeah, no, she's right. I need to let this run its course. Hopefully, I have a little time to think everything over before Riddler and I cross paths again.

End of Episode 2

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