Till Death Do Us Part: Part 2

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Veronica's POV:

We walk into Joker's lair, Harley with a determined look on her face. Huh, gotta say, this is exactly how I pictured this place would look on the inside.

Joker: "Oh, hey, Harley. Ragweed. And if it isn't the ex-Dr. Veronica Quinzel. Still hiding behind big sister's shadow?"

Me: "Hey, I'm only younger by two minutes. And that's it? Just 'Hey, Harley'?"

Harley: "Yeah! You left me in Arkham for a year, and drove a wedge between me & my sister! You abandoned me, you lied to me! But this is the last time. I am here to break up with you!"

We turn to see one of Joker's goons lying on his back with a smug smile.

Stan: "Oh shit! She's dumping you."

Joker: "No, she's not! She doesn't call the shots!"

Harley: "Yeah, 'cause I'm calling a cab. See you never!"

Just as we're halfway through the front door, Joker pulls some bullshit excuse from his sleeve.

Joker: "Thank goodness. She's finally doing exactly what I prayed she would."

Harley: "What?"

Ivy & I: "Oh, for fuck's sake."

Joker: "Much as it destroys me to say it, Harley, I was going to insist on breaking up, because it's the only way to keep you safe."

Harley: "What the hell are you talking about?"

Ivy: "Yes, no, please, continue with your bullshit."

Joker shoves us away from Harley, and drags her a few feet away.

Joker: "The world's gone mad since you've been in Arkham. Have you seen Commissioner Gordon? He's lost it! He wants revenge because I 'paralyzed' his 'partner'. He & Batman are hell-bent on destroying everyone I care about."

He's joking, right? Please tell me he's joking. And please tell me Harley's not falling for this! Harley looks to Joker with a hopeful smile.

Harley: "That's why you didn't come get me?"

Joker: "Keeping you away from me was the only way to protect you. And still is. So, I'm afraid, my dear, this is a heartbreaking goodbye."

Harley: "Uh, no, no, wait!"

Ivy and I rush over to stand at her side.

Me: "No! No 'wait'. This is what you wanted, Harley!"

Harley: "Is it?"

Ivy: "It is, yes. You came here to do this."

Joker: "Yes! Listen to your awful friend & sister."

Harley: "So, this is really the end?"

Me: "Yes. Now let's go!"

Joker: "Unless."

Harley: "Unless what?"

Joker: "Unless, our love is so powerful even the threat of death can't keep us apart. Oh, screw it! I'll die for you any day. I'm in!"

Harley: "Really? Me too!"

Harley jumps into Joker's arms as they begin a messy make-out session.

Me: "What"

Ivy: "The fuck"

Ivy & I: "Just happened."

Harley turns to us for a brief moment.

Harley: "We're gonna need some privacy, guys. It's gonna get real gross real quick."

They resume their make-out as Ivy leads me out the front door. She closes it as I lean against it with my teeth gritted.

Ivy: "Ok, so back to square one. Oh well, how about we end this on a-"

I bang my fist against the door with an angry cry. I lower my head as I take a breath to calm myself.

Me: "I can't lose her, Ive. Not again."

Ivy turns me around to face her and grips my shoulders with a determined look.

Ivy: "You won't. Look, the main reason she still trusts him is because of this romantic proposal he did. Telepathy is one of your powers, right? Can't you dig around her memories and figure something out?"

Me: "It's worth a shot."

I close my eyes with a concentrated look, scanning Harley's mind for any proposals. When I find it, I dig deeper to find-Oh, my God.

Me: "Ok, I have a plan. But, we're gonna need some outside help. Luckily, I know a certain Arkham inmate who owes both of us a favor or two."


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