The Line: Part 3

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Veronica's POV:

A few minutes later, we've successfully stolen the force field. We walk over to Fables, our jaws dropping in horror as she's killed all the family members to avoid leaving witnesses.

Harley: "What did you do?"

Fables: "I didn't do anything. All credit goes to the Big Bad Wolf here."

Harley: "But why?"

Me: "Always end the bloodline if you're gonna rid of witnesses."

Fables: "Exactly. I mean, that's just 'Evil 101'."

Psycho: "Uh, I taught that class at Boston College, and we never covered anything this fucked up."

Fables: "Alright, guys. Come on. Take a look around. Make sure I got everyone. Make sure they're all dead."

I telepathically scan the area for any signs of brain function and pick up one particular source.

Me: "Actually, there's-"

Harley: "No one. You killed the shit out of everyone. Let's go."

Fables: "All right. Let me grab the Three Little Pigs to clean this mess up."

Fables conjures up the pigs, supposedly to tidy up, but evidently, she means to let them feast on the remains.

Fables: "There we go. Go get 'em, boys. Come on. The bones, too. Come on. The bones."

I pull Harley over for a sidebar.

Me: "I'm not saying it's the humane way to do things, but if we're gonna avoid revenge killing-"

Harley: "Ronnie, we can't let an innocent die. I mean, that's crossing a line, don't you think? Relax, it'll be fine."

Me: "If you say so."

{Time skip}

Back at the mall, the rest of us are by the couch while Fables stands at the opposite side of the room.

Fables: "You know, no one ever talks about it but it's almost impossible to get brain out of a cape."

Ivy: "Did she do the pig thing or-"

King Shark vomits into a nearby trashcan at the thought.

Ivy: "That's a yes. So, you think I was right to be worried?"

Harley: "Yes. Oh my God, Ive. You were way right. She is a lot."

Me: "And so now you're gonna tell her that it's-"

Harley: "Over. Yes, I'll tell her. We'll just go back to being friends that do not work together."

Fables: "Boy, that was some fun shit, Harley, huh? Come on. Up top. And guess what? I decided to stick around a little while longer. Help you get that weather machine."

Harley: "Oh, that's too generous."

Me: "We don't wanna put you out."

Fables: "Nonsense. This is fun. I feel like I'm getting my groove back. Oh, and if you liked the pigs, wait till you see the Three Blind Mice eat a body."

Harley: "The mice beat bodies, too?"

Fables: "Oh, my God. Those little bastards can just gnaw the shit out of a head. It takes longer, 'cause they go those little mice teeth, the best!"

Ivy: "Wow. Now that's fun. ladies, right? That's the kinda stuff you got ahead of ya."

Harley sighs and clears her throat as she follows after Fables.

Harley: "Hey, uh, Fables? We need to talk."

Fables: "Hey, everybody check your shoes. Someone stepped in eye. What's up?"

Harley: "You know, I appreciate how much of a badass you are, I mean, listen, I consider you a friend and a mentor, and just a real-"

Fables: "You know what'd be great? If you said what you actually mean."

Harley: "I think maybe you should sit out the weather machine heist. Your style, it's just a little intense."

Fables: "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought the point was to get the job done."

Harley: "Yeah, but not by murdering innocent people. I mean, it's just a line I won't cross."

Fables: "Oh, you got a line, huh? Hey, guys. She has a line. Superheroes have a line. Teen Titans have a line. We don't give a fuck."

Harley: "Yeah, you know, I think, maybe I just give, like, a microscopic fuck."

Fables: "Well, the Legion of Doom gives zero fucks. And if you wanna get in there, you better start pole vaulting over those lines you don't wanna cross."

Clayface: "Is that from Mamma Mia?"

Harley: "Thank you for your counsel. But, I believe this is where we must part ways. I hope we can remain friends."

Both women say nothing as they glare at each other, their eyes locked in contact.

Psycho: "Am I the only one whose asshole's puckering?"

Clayface: "I think I clayed myself."

Fables summons her staff, storybook, and fairytale friends.

Fables: "Ok. I'll be on my merry way. But you're making  big mistake. Rapunzel, Rumpelstiltskin, let's go tear some shit up.-*flips us the bird*-Deuces."


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