Kite Man, Hell Yeah

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{A/N: Because Harlivy and the others have limited screen time in "Kite Man: Hell, Yeah", I can probably fit theirs and Veronica's scenes into 1 chapter}

Veronica's POV:

As of now, I am the mother of three beautiful 5-week-old babies. I know it sounds a little early to deliver since, by now, I'd still have been about 40 weeks along in my pregnancy, but with triplets, the delivery date is usually pushed up a few weeks. So, Morgan, Riley, & Quinn were delivered perfectly safe, healthy, and happy with no complications. Even after my time travel adventure, I still didn't know which triplet would be given which name, so we left it up to fate and asked the nurses to hand them to us in green, black, and purple blankets. Harley even chipped in and gave us black fabric from one of her old suits. Batgirl did the same with some purple fabric, and Riddler & I both wear black, so we had it on hand. As it happens, Riley was the one in green, and they were initially born as a girl, but as I recall, Green Hood identified as genderfluid, so 'they/them' it is, at least until they're old enough to tell us what pronouns they prefer. As for Morgan, she was the one in purple and was born with Riddler's eyes, as was Morgan. Last but not least, Quinn, who was initially born as a boy but will later identify as non-binary, has my eyes. Details aside, they're all beautiful and loved more than I ever expected I could love someone besides Riddler.

For the first three weeks, Riddler & I both stayed home, but Riddler is slowly transitioning into returning to work, including attending the meeting Lex Luthor called at the LOD. In the meantime, I've brought the triplets to visit Harley & Ivy at their place, which they always love. Coincidentally, Kite Man & Golden Glider have also come to see Ivy and ask her for $10 million to buy Noonan's. They picked Ivy to ask since she technically owes Kite-Man for the deposit on their almost wedding. I'm sitting on the couch as the triplets lay in their stroller. Ivy walks over with glasses of iced tea for Kite Man & Golden Glider and water for me since I'm still nursing while responding to Kite Man & Golden Glider.

Ivy: "Look, Chuck, I realize that we spent your last dime on a wedding deposit that you will never get back, and I--"

Golden Glider: "Damn right he did."

Chuck: "No worries. It was all part of my journey."

Ivy: "However, I-I do not have $10 million just a-lying around."

Golden Glider: "Eh, I find that hard to believe."

Chuck: "Babe."

Harley walks over with a platter of grapes, crackers, and cheese.

Harley: "It's true. We just bought a vacation property in Themyscira, so we're second-house poor."

Golden Glider: "Well, that's very relatable."

Chuck: "Not really, babe. I think they're saying they don't--Oh. No, oh, ok, I get it. Wow."

Harley flips over the couch.

Chuck: "Well, this is mucho disappointing.-*to me*-I don't suppose--"

Me: "Yeah, no. While Riddler & I each have our profit from our reputations, and we can be a bit frivolous, I'm trying to save it for these little troublemakers."

Harley: "Hey, chin up, Kitey. You're a bad guy. What do bad guys do? Bad guys steal things from worse guys."

Me: "It's true. Heck, Riddler & I did it to each other all the time back when I started as Mayhem.-*chuckles*-It was our way of flirting back then."

Golden Glider: "Oh, that is the worst-*gasps*-Really good idea I've ever heard."

With that, Kite Man & Golden Glider head out, leaving Harley, Ivy, and me to catch up on things, get in some girl time, and coo over the sweetest little children/godchildren ever.

{End of 'Pilot, Hell Yeah'; Now for 'Grand Reopening, Hell Yeah'}

I'm in the middle of nursing Riley when I get a call. I answer it without checking the caller ID because I'm preoccupied.

Me: *over the phone* "Hello?"

Chuck: *over the phone* "Hey, Mayhem. Hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Me: *over the phone* "No, just feeding Riley. The others will be up in a minute to do the same, knowing them. I swear, these three do things all together, one at a time. And they're only 6 weeks old."

Chuck: *over the phone* "Aw, well, I won't keep ya. Just wanted to know if you'll be attending Noonan's grand reopening. We are a bar, but we serve Arnold Palmers, one of my fave bevs."

Me: *over the phone* "I'll try, but I can't promise anything. If Riddler already has plans with some of the LOD or a heist, someone needs to stay home with the kids. Either way, I'll visit as soon as I can."

Chuck: *over the phone* "No prob, amiga! You keep restin' and relaxin' with the angels, and we'll see you the next time you visit."

Me: *over the phone* "You're a peach, Chuck. Give my regards to your girl. Later!-*hangs up*-And three, two, one.-*Morgan whines on monitor*-Yep, there it is. All right, little buttercup, let's get you back to sleep."

I start gently humming and burping Riley on my way to the nursery to repeat this routine with Morgan and, later, Quinn.

{Time skip}

Riddler's preparing for the party Lex is throwing at the LOD tonight.

Riddler: "You're sure you don't want me to stay in? I have enough of a reputation for them not to question my preferring a night in with the fam over some random last-minute Luthor ball."

Me: "It's fine, Eddie. I'm more than happy to stay at home with the kids, same as you.-*chuckles*-Plus, besides you, Lex is one of the top supervillains. If one of the even higher villains doesn't show up, be it you or me, how does that make us look as villains, let alone as a Villain couple?"

Riddler smirks at me in the mirror before turning to fully face me as I straighten his tie.

Me: "I will be here waiting for you when you get back.-*caresses cheek*-I always am."

Riddler leans in and kisses my palm before pulling me into a kiss.

Riddler: "You have no idea how much I love you."

Me: "Mm, I think I have some idea."

Riddler: *kisses me* "I hate to go."

Me: "But you have to, and you will."

Riddler slowly walks away and out of the room, gently tracing his hand down my arm as he leaves.

Riddler: "You'll call if the kids need...?"

Me: "Oh, my--Yes, baby. We're fine. Go. We love you!"

Riddler chuckles while blowing a kiss before walking out the door to the party.

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