The Line: Part 5

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Veronica's POV:

Fables: "And that's why you always end the what?"

Everyone but Fables: "The bloodline."

Fables: "The motherfucking bloodline, yes!"

Jason: "My family was close. Not Appalachian hillbilly close, but we leaned on each other. We made each other laugh. That all changed when you showed up. My brothers, gone. Aunts, uncles, gone. My cousin twice removed, completely removed! I was so distraught. I threw myself against the electrified fence at S.T.A.R. Labs, but instead of killing me, it-"

Fables & I: "Gave him powers."

Jason: "Gave me powers!"

Fables: "Every goddamn time. And now he wants to-"

Jason: "I seek revenge."

Fables: "That."

Harley: "Is there anything we can do to make this right?"

Jason: "Not unless you can bring my family back from the dead."

Me: "We can't do that."

Harley: "Your second choice?"

Jason: "Kill all of you!"

Psycho and I leap ahead of everyone else and project a giant forcefield to protect us.

Psycho: "I should tell you I woke up this morning with a post-nasal drip thing. I drank a lot of cough syrup, so I can't help Ronnie hold this much longer."

Me: "Is there a third choice, Mr. Praxis?"

Jason: "Hand over the Queen of Fables, and the rest of you can live."

Harley: "I'm coning out with the Queen."

Jason holds his fire, and we allow Harley to walk through the forcefield with Fables.

Harley: "She's all yours."

Jason: "I'm gonna send your ass to the happily never after, Fables!"

Psycho drops his share of the forcefield to get more cough syrup, leaving me to take over said share.

Fables: "C'mon, Harley, you don't have it in you to do this. You have a line, remember?"

Harley: "Yeah. That's what I used to think, too."

Jason: "For House Praxis!"

Jason shoots a giant bolt at Fables, but Harley secretly places the personal forcefield on her wrist. Now, that's badass! The bolt deflects off her and onto Jason, rendering him unconscious from the impact.

Fables: "Damn, you set me up. You tricky bitch."

Harley: "I would never send a friend to her death, eve one that tried to screw me over."

Fables: "So, you're just gonna let me go."

Harley: "Yeah, I got the weather machine. I won, and I did it my way. I'm a bad guy, not a bad person."

Fables: "You're a dumb person. You're gonna regret letting me walk out of here alive, Quinn."

Me: "Don't forget your little book."

I kick the storybook into Fable's hands, and she walks off as Jason awakens.

Jason: "Did I vanquish her? Please, tell me I avenged my family."

Harley: "Uh, yeah?"

Jason: "Thank God. I can finally start-"

Suddenly, Fables stabs Jason in the head from behind with her staff.

Fables: "Oh, my goodness. Can you believe, with all that ending-the-bloodline talk, I almost forgot this guy? Jeez. Alright, now I'm going."

Psycho comes back with his cough syrup.

Psycho: "So, what'd I miss? *sees Jason* Oh, my God. A lot, I guess.

{Time skip}

A little while later, we realize there's one thing Harley never researched-the password for the weather machine.

Clayface: "Try 'NeilPatrickHarris1'."

Psycho: "Clayface, is that your personal password?"

Clayface: "*pauses* No."

I glance at Ivy with a wave as she walks toward us.

King Shark: "Well, it doesn't work anyway. Ronnie, not to be that shark, but can't you telepathically hack into the database?"

Me: "There are two things my telepathy can't work with: Technology and Riddler's mind."

That last part could have been helpful a few weeks ago, as it could have given me an incentive on why Riddler agreed to our deal so quickly.

Ivy: "So, lemme just get this straight, you went through two heists, sacrificed a family and that weird electric guy just to steal an unstealable weather machine, but didn't realize that you needed a password?"

Harley: "Ooh, unstealable! Try that."

King Shark tries and fails to access the weather machine with 'unstealable' as the password.

Machine: "Too many failed log-in attempts. Initiating self-destruct."

The machine short-circuits, sets itself on fire and falls to pieces.

Harley: "Oh, shit."

Hey, if we can't get it, neither can the LOD. That oughta get their attention, but it would also mean that my arrangement with Riddler has finally come around. Let the games begin!

End of Episode 7

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