Gotham's Hottest Hotties

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Veronica's POV:

I enter the LOD's conference room to find the males shouting and protesting towards Ivy.

Me: "Wow. Now I'm really sorry I'm late."

Ivy: "Ronnie, what are you doing here? Harley told me you just returned from your honeymoon a few hours ago.

Me: "Like I'm gonna miss my best friend's first day as CEO."

Ivy: "I appreciate that, but you should go home and be with Riddler. Take a couple more days off."

Me: "Ivy, I told you before I left that as soon as I returned, I would be here for you through any patriarchal bullshit these guys throw at you, and I'm keeping that promise."

Ivy nods in appreciation before returning to the screaming man-children as I sit between Black Manta & Metallo.

Ivy: "Ok. Why don't we all just, like, take a seat, and we can all discuss-"

Gorilla Grodd: "How you think we should stop brewing the break room coffee with beer?"

Ivy: "Yeah, well, 'cause that sounds fucking gross. But listen up. The plan is socially conscious evil."

Ivy uses the Venus fly traps to pass each LOD member a dossier.

Ivy: "Now, if you look in your dossier, you're gonna see together how we're gonna make that happen."

Snowflame: "Never. If this folder wasn't literally perfect for doing lines off of, I'd throw it in the trash. That's right, the trash. Even though I know this is recyclable."

Snowflame then does a line of coke off the folder and ignites his flame as the others leave the room.

Metallo: "If we wanted to get bossed around by a lady, we would get girlfriends."

Gorilla Grodd: "This is so not chill!"

Ivy growls in frustration as she squeezes the stress ball.

Ivy: "Oh, shit, that's a grenade."

She then throws it to the other side of the room.

Ivy: "Fuck. I don't get it. They seem to respect you."

Me: "Yeah, now they do. Before Riddler & I got together, I was just another female supervillain they could push around. But once I showed them what I could do and who I could do it with-"

Ivy: "They saw you as one of them?"

Me: "No, they still see me as another female supervillain, but now they know not to push me around. Because they know that if they do, they'll regret it."

Ivy: "So they're scared of you?"

Me: "No. Well, yes, but also, they've seen what happens to people who piss Riddler off, and they're scared to imagine how much angrier he'd be if they fuck with his wife. Just keep working at it, and sooner or later, they'll be scared shitless of you, too."

Ivy: *sighs* "I know you're just trying to cheer me up, but it is helping a little. And it gives me an idea. If you could start coming to my office as often as possible, maybe my associating with you will make them respect me sooner rather than later."

Me: "My boss' wish is my command."

{Time skip}

Frank: "You need to get the shades, or I'm gonna photosynthesize everywhere."

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