Chapter 5

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It's morning now and Minho doesn't have to go to work today.We ate breakfast together and now we don't know what to do at all.

"Let's go find the photo albums grandma kept in her room.I sure miss our baby photos.Also we can see the other people she took care of while we were away" Minho said, excited.

After searching for a while, we found three photo albums.One had grandma and grandpa's photos.It was a small one, because grandpa died young.The other one was a photo album with my dad's baby photos and it also had me and Minho's photos as well.

We opened it and started going through the photos, me joking about a photo where baby Minho was completely naked and had lipstick smudged all over his face.

Than, we opened the third one.This was where grandma would keep photos of the people she would take care of.The first one was grandpa.

As far as grandma told us, when she and grandpa met, she didn't know the fact that he had schizophrenia.After that, she promised to take care of him for life, but he didn't live that long.

After that, grandma decided to take care of mentally disable people and when young me would ask her why, she always said it reminded her of the time she would spend with grandpa.

After grandpa, there were some photos of a woman I didn't know, even dad was in one of the photos, he looked like 10 years old.After some scrolling, we came across someone I knew really well.It was someone grandma used to take care of while I was still really young, Jihoon.

He was hostile with everybody in the house, even with grandma, but I don't know why he had some kind of soft spot for me.Than, one day he ran away, leaving a letter behind only for me, telling me to never become like my grandma.I never understood what he meant like that, though.

Than there was Miyoon, an woman whom I knew really well.She tried to kill me after all, and that was the reason grandma sent both me and Minho to London.

Than there were these seven boys that are now my neighbors.They looked really happy in each photo, well except Taehyung who still kept his famous blank face everywhere.

"Let's close the album now, enough memories for a day" I mumble, not wanting to squeal in front of Minho about the guys adorable cheeks which are long gone now.

After going to the living room, we switch on the TV, a news channel opening.But, the face of the boy shown on the screen looks somewhat familiar. Where have I seen him?

"Today at 2 am in the morning, there was a report from a citizen saying that a corpse was thrown on Han river.The police went immediately in the said address and found the corpse of a boy, identified as Lee Hojun, 20 years old. There were several bruises on the body, two of his fingers were cut, and one of his eyes were scooped out of its place. Due to the horrific sight, the police didn't allow cameras near the crime scene.The murderer still is unknown, and the police is still looking into the case, with the hopes of finding the culprit as soon as possible." the speaker said, a grim look on his face.

"Poor boy.He was young" Minho sighed, before grabbing the remote control to switch the channel.I immediately grab his hand and stop him.

It can't be... It's that boy... From yesterday... The one who tried flirting with me and got beaten by the guys... How come? I start breathing heavily, Minho coming near me and giving me a side hug, confused.

"I know that guy, oppa... " I mumble, watching his eyebrows furrow. "Yesterday we went to the park with the guys, and he started talking to me, like trying to flirt... the guys got super angry and beat him up..." I say, gasping for air.It's a coincidence for sure...


Author's note
A short chapter, but we're slowly getting into the plot.Hope you like it and please support this story <3

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