Chapter 32

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Minho already came back from work and I told him everything.He sure was baffled, but got a hold of himself pretty fast and told me to call the doctor right away.Right now we're both seating in the living room, stomachs full as he wisely said that we can handle emotional damage better with a full stomach.I couldn't agree more.

I call the doctor by the number he gave me and put it on speaker, signaling Minho to not dare make a sound.The doctor shouldn't know our conversation is being listened from someone else or else he might give up on telling anything.


"Are you alone right now?"

"Yes, I am.You?"

"Same here"

"Okay then, let's start.Tell me everything you know and I'll make sure that your name isn't said anywhere. You'll be safe" I mumble, not being able to wait anymore.

"I still remember when your grandma came for a normal check up a year ago. She was perfectly fine and she was even in a better mood than usual.But when I got to know that she died just two weeks later and the people taking care of her said that it was a heart attack, I just couldn't believe it, so I ran some other tests in her"

"And what did those tests say?"

"Someone poisoned her"


I look over at Minho, shocked.Grandma was poisoned?She didn't die from a heart attack?Who could have done that?

I think deep down I know the answer, but I don't want to admit it, so I usher the doctor to continue.

"Unfortunately, yes.The substance she was given isn't legally allowed for public usage in Korea, and that substance caused her heart attack"

I'm completely shocked, not a single sound coming out of my mouth as I find it difficult to even breathe.Glancing at Minho, he is feeling the same.

"Are you there?"

"I'm still here, I'm just a bit shocked, continue"

"As I said, after checking out the results, I wanted to call the police, but I don't know how they noticed something was wrong and came to me.They somehow had realised that I had run some other tests and wanted to take them from me. They threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone, and I'm sorry I didn't tell anyone but I was scared.As I said, I have a family to take care of and I didn't want to leave them alone.The reason I didn't tell you any of this is because they still come and check me from time to time whether I'm doing something suspicious and I was scared they might be around"

I look at Minho, wide eyed.The things we're listening to right now are scary, out of every thing I was expecting to hear from him.Did my grandma really die such a death?It's unfair, she didn't deserve this, she was such a nice person, how could anyone hurt her like this?

"I get it.After telling me all these, I'm reminded, where are you right now?"

"I'm still in my office, to sort out some papers, but I don't expect anyone as I don't have anymore appointments so it's okay. No one is in the hospital except me right now" 

Right after that, I heard the door knock. He said he didn't expect any visits, right?

"Just a minute" I heard the doctor say, before I hear some shuffling of papers. What's he doing?The door is opened, and I hear faint footsteps in the office.

"Hello" a deep voice who belongs to the one and only Kim Taehyung says, followed by a weak 'hello' from the  doctor.

"What did you come here for, Mr.Kim?"

The doctor asks, clearly nervous.You need to try more to conceal the nervousness from your voice dude, you'll get caught.

"Stop playing dumb, we know Minah came here and you told her everything" Taehyung growled, slamming his hand in the table.

"What do you mean Mr. Kim, who is Minah, I didn't tell anyone anything, I want to live of course" the doctor mumbled.I could imagine him giving Taehyung a big toothy smile and Taehyung responding with his iconic blank face.

"She came here today, in a appointment at 10 am, we know and we also know she didn't do any test or check up so for what else could she have come here? Now tell us what you said to her" Taehyung growled once again.Not gonna lie, even if I was in the doctor's place, I would shiver.

"Oh, Minah, she came for some consulting over a weird belly ache she has been having lately and I recommended her to visit a specified doctor, that's all.Why would I tell her anything?It's not like she has any type of connection with Mrs. Choi" doctor said.Good, your lies get better minute by minute dude, I'm impressed.

"Quit lying, she is Choi's niece and you also know.You told her everything and now are acting all innocent" a different voice growled.I don't know why, but I feel my heart tug a little.I was hoping he wasn't involved in this, but looks like I got disappointed yet again.

I can tell that Jungkook's growl terrified the doctor, as the line is silent for some seconds.Only some seconds, because then I can hear faint sobs from the phone.Dude, get a hold of yourself.

"Looks like you're not telling anything with us being kind.I didn't want to do this, but unfortunately you're not  leaving me a choice" Jungkook mumbled, and I hear some shuffling, before I hear the doctor beg for them not to do that.What is going on?

After some seconds, I hear screams of pain and cries, clearly from the doctor as I hear weird noises I can't understand.

After a couple of minutes, the only sound I hear is loud cries from the doctor, and I'm genuinely concerned as to what is going on.

"Oh come on, you already lost five nails, still not gonna talk?" Taehyung's deep voice asked and I hardly press the urge to gasp at that.They took his nails out?

"She came to ask me about her grandma's death because she felt as if something was wrong, but after a lot of talking I managed to convince her that her grandma's death was something natural and because of age.She doesn't know anything" the doctor cried out desperately.Despite being tortured like that, he still isn't saying anything about me, and deep down I feel both sorry and thankful to him for that.

But the next noise I hear is something I know way too well, a noise I wish I never knew what was, a noise that brings back terrifying memories to me, the noise of a knife stabbing a body.




And then silence.

The silence is broken by the doctor coughing, probably blood.

Please, someone tell me I'm wrong and the doctor is still okay.

"We already know he told her everything, it's of no use to ask him further.Let's just go" I hear Taehyung say, before I hear the sound of a door opening and closing.

I look at Minho and signal him to run, lock every single door and window in the house, while I hopefully wait for the doctor to say something, anything that could tell me he's okay and nothing's gonna happen to him.

"Are you still there?" I hear him weakly mumble.

"Yes, I'm still here, are you okay?"

"Look, even if you call the ambulance, there's nothing they can do now, I'm done.Anyway listen to me carefully, make sure my family is not left alone, they need help"

"And one last thing"

"Those guys who came here and their friends killed your grandma"

"The people she took care of for years"

"You probably know them"

"Make sure to bring justice"

"They need to be punished for your grandma's death"

"Mine as well"

And the line was cut.

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