Chapter 8

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I groggily make my way to the kitchen,
Minho already up and eating an apple.

"Were you over their house yesterday?" he said with his mouth full."Umm, yeah?" I mumble, still weirded out by his sudden question."Was there anything weird?" I just raise my eyebrows at him, giving him a 'just spill the tea' look.

"Well, I saw something interesting yesterday night...Jungkook and Taehyung fighting with each other.And than Jungkook went crazy and started breaking things.Do you happen to know why they fought, I'm curious."

"I don't know what happened, the only thing that happened yesterday is that Namjoon fell from the stairs, and if you have a crush on any of them just please confess, don't stalk them like the weirdo you are" I say dryly, even though I know he is straight.

"Namjoon fell from the stairs?!And you didn't tell me anything?I'll pay a visit than, will you come with me?And you know better than to think I have a crush on any of them.Anyway let's go" he said, grabbing his jacket and going already outside.

Minho knocks on the door impatiently, me waiting close behind him, still grumpy because of the fact that he dragged me here before I even had breakfast.

The door is opened by Jimin, who upon seeing my brother's face changes his expression completely.A strong smell of alcohol is coming from him, is he drunk?

"We came here to visit Namjoon, I heard he's not okay, can we enter?" my brother says quickly, feeling quite uncomfortable from Jimin's glare. "Actually, it's not good for Namjoon to be around a lot of people, you didn't really have to come, so please go home Minho" Jimin grumbled, grabbing my hand, dragging me inside the house and closing the door on Minho's face.

"What was that Jimin?Why did you close the door on his face?I've noticed you seem to hate Minho, do you mind telling me why?" I say, eyeing him expectantly.

Jimin pouts cutely before mumbling, "But I don't like him Jia, I don't want him hereeee" he extended his words to sound more cute.Jia?Who is that?But, even before I get the chance to ask him who is Jia, Jungkook runs to us hugging Jimin very tight before doing the same with me."Don't mind him Minnie, he is drunk and doesn't know what he says or does" he said, giving me a nervous smile.

"But her name is not Minah, why are you calling her Minah, her name is Jia and I want to hug Jia noww" he ranted, coming to me and giving me a bear hug, burying his face in the crook of my neck.I hesitantly hugged Jimin back and told him to go sleep.He sheepishly smiled before making his way to his room.

"Sorry about him, he drank way too much soju and doesn't know what he's doing" Jungkook mumbled, scratching his nape awkwardly."No problem, but who is Jia?"

I see his eyes narrowed for a second before saying, "It's Jimin's story to tell, not mine.Now let's go see Namjoon, that's what you came for, right?"

We chatted for a couple of hours with Namjoon, joking around and Jungkook telling me a bunch of stories where Namjoon embarrassed himself making us laugh.

Deciding not to tire Namjoon even more, I say my goodbyes to him before making my way out of his room, Jungkook trailing behind me.

In the hall we come across Taehyung, his blank stare falling over me for a second before being planted at Jungkook.I turn back to see Jungkook glaring right back at him, and the tension could be felt in the air.

I hesitantly grab Jungkook's hand and drag him across the wall, slightly bowing to Taehyung while doing so. Jungkook came after me, purposely bumping his shoulder to Taehyung's.

After we were away from Taehyung, I whisper-yelled to him "Yah, what was that?Did you to fight or something?" , even though I knew very well they did fight, I just hoped he would tell me also the reason of the fight.

"He did something he shouldn't have done and didn't even apologize for it." he grumbled."Let's just not talk about him now, find something else to say."

His answer left me more  curious than I was, but before I got the chance to press him for answers, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.I opened it and saw that Minho had sent me a message.

The best brother in the world <3
Taemin came over, come and help me cook and clean up a little, the house is a mess right now.

Yeah, a mess because of him, I mentally grumble, before putting my phone in my pocket, before going towards the door."Where are you going?" Jungkook asks.

"A friend of Minho came over and he needs help because the house is a mess." I mumbled, annoyed. Such an independent brother I have.

"I'm coming too.I'm curious about him" Jungkook said, taking me of guard, why would he want to meet Minho's friend anyway?I shrugged as a way to tell him it was okay, before making my way to my home, Taemin already at the doorstep.

I jog up to him and make the handshake Minho, him and their other friends have.They taught me it as a way of saying that I'm now part of the group."Sup, Min?" he asked, grinning. "Nothing much, Min, what about you?"

A cough from behind me interrupts us and I'm suddenly reminded that I did not come here alone.Jungkook comes beside me and smiles at Taemin "Hey, I'm Minah's best friend, Jungkook. And you are?" extending his hand for a shake.

"I'm Taemin" he grinned, taking Jungkook's hand and shaking it.I notice his face twist up in confusion and... pain?I look at their hands and realise Jungkook is squeezing his hand way too much to the extent he's hurting Taemin.

"Enough with the greetings, Kook.We're going now, you go home too" I shoot him a nervous smile, dragging Taemin inside with me."Sorry for him, he isn't very fond of new people at all.You'll both be on good terms after you get to know each other, I know" I mumbled, even me doubting whether such thing will really happen or not.

Author's note
Heyy, I'm sorry for the late update, but a few inconvenient things happened and I wasn't able to upload anything today.Anyway, hope you liked this one, because hints of a lot of upcoming events were hidden hereee.

Giving you this cutie as a way to apologize <3

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