Chapter 16

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I didn't sleep the whole night.Not because of the silent panic attack I had in the beginning, but Jungkook's snore is no joke.He sounds like a car revving up.And I also didn't sleep because I have the tendency to move quite a lot while sleeping, but Jungkook's iron grip didn't allow me to move an inch.

I grab my phone for probably the millionth time, in hopes of distracting myself until the second iron man finally wakes up.

After reading 20 chapters of a book on Wattpad, I finally feel some kind of movement from behind me."Oh, looks like Mr.Jeon finally honored us with his presence.Did you have a good night's sleep?" I grumble, making sure the sarcasm is evident even though he just waked up.

"Sure I had" Jungkook sleepily mumbled, not catching the sarcasm at all."What about you?How did you sleep?" he asked, rubbing his eyes."I didn't sleep at all.Now, if you could give me the honour to unwrap your arms and let me go, I need to pee" I grumbled.

The grip on me loosens a bit and I immediately take his arms off me, heading for the bathroom, not caring that now he has to wait.

After finishing what I had to do in the bathroom, I grab my phone and check my chat with Minho.He has read the text I sent him about the Taemin situation, but didn't respond.He must be feeling terrible.After that, I text Jinki, telling him that he doesn't need to check on me these days.I don't want another one of Minho's friends dying.

I go down and all of them are eating breakfast.I wordlessly sit between Yoongi and Jimin, as that place was the only one free in the table, and I feel seven pairs of eyes look at me dumbfounded.

"What?" I mumble, waiting for someone to give me my bowl of cereal. "Are you not afraid of us?Why are you sitting here?" Namjoon asked, his eyes twice their normal size.

"Fine then, I'm getting up.Give me my bowl and I'll eat in the couch" I shrugged, knowing way too well that Jin would never allow that."No, sit here. We were just surprised" Jin immediately said, Yoongi and Jimin grabbing my wrists and making me sit.

We start eating, but the atmosphere sounds quite awkward, until the silence is interrupted by a cough from next to me."Seriously, you were petrified yesterday, and right now you're eating as if nothing happened.What is going on?" Yoongi asked, eyeing me weirdly.

I give him a shrug."You guys still look quite scary to me, but I thought over the words you said last night, and realised that you're not going to hurt me.So, as long as you not come home covered in blood, we're kinda fine, I guess?" I said, silently praying that they actually fell for that.

All for them sigh in relief, well except Taehyung who keeps his famous blank face.If I'm being honest, I'm kinda scared of him.While the other guys seem quite fond of me, he always showed hostility whenever I was around.What if he does something to me?Don't be ridiculous,Minah.The other guys wouldn't allow him to do anything, right?

After eating, we all settle down in the living room, me being squeezed between Jimin and Jungkook."So, if you're going to keep me here for a while, I need some clothes.When can I go pick them up?" I say, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"We picked them up, for you, don't worry" Seokjin said, bringing a big bag in front of me."Jimin personally took everything" wait a minute... did he go through my undergarments as well? Whatttt?I feel blood rushing to my cheeks at the thought, please no one saw that!

I cough, trying to get my face in its normal state."Just one more thing" I mumble, mentally laughing at the funny remark I'm about to do.

"I don't think I'll be able to get any sleep if Jungkook keeps snoring like a car revving up, does anybody have a solution?"

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