Chapter 22

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Taehyung shoots me a serious glance, but even though in a normal situation I would have shuddered, right now it just looks like a mechanism for me not to understand what is going through his mind.Still doesn't fully believe me, I see, even after I told him my whole story.

"He stayed by my side when no one else did, protected me not because he was forced to, but just because he wanted to and he was the first one to do so.He is my best friend, my soulmate and I swore to protect him for life" he says, looking dead serious.

"When you say soulmate, you mean it...romantically?" I mumble, still unsure whether I can ask this question, and immediately I see his face scrunch in disgust."Don't even bring romance in this topic, I might puke, I see him as my brother and that's all"he growled, and I finally understand I almost crossed the line and need to shut up.

"Okay, let's go now, it's getting pretty late and nobody should understand that we're missing" I mumble, getting up slowly because of the wound in my thigh and going for the door.

No response.I turn around to look at him, and I see him frozen in his place, looking at me genuinely surprised. "What?Do I have a cockroach on my back?" I mumble, quite unsure why would he have that kind of expression.

He shakes his head no before saying, "You're not going to tell anyone about this?" pointing at my wounded thigh. "Why would I?" I say, turning my back on him and walking away,him following short after me.

"If you told anyone, I would be dead meat anyway" he whispered to himself in such a low tone, maybe I wasn't supposed to hear it, actually.

But he is right.From what I've seen for the time I've spent here, everybody thinks Taehyung is the strongest here and lowkey fear him, but I remember some days ago only Jungkook and Taehyung were home and they got in a fight.They started punching each other and I called the guys for help, but it was Taehyung the one who almost passed out, while Jungkook was totally okay. And if I told anyone about this, Jungkook would make sure Taehyung was dead, he did say something like this, after all.

I arrive at the door of the room I share with Jungkook and carefully make my way to the bed, each step taking my breath away from the pain.I lay down slowly in my other side and look at Jungkook, peacefully sleeping like the bunny he is.Let's just hope nobody else saw what happened with Taehyung.

*The next day

I wake up to the screams of the guys and heavy footsteps all around the house.Did Jungkook get to know about Taehyung?

I immediately get up and rush to the hall to see what the ruckus was for, only to see Jungkook and Jimin holding what looks like underwear to me and Yoongi running after them only in a bathrobe.Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok are laughing their heart out in a corner while Taehyung is in his own world, not paying attention to the cat and dog fight in front of him.I make my way to the kitchen, and thankfully,someone did cook breakfast before hell broke loose.

After I was completely done, the boys start filling the kitchen one by one, especially Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi looking like they ran a marathon. Taehyung is the last one to enter, looking like a scared puppy.That boy is lucky no one noticed that behavior of his or else he would be in trouble.

I feel the wound in my thigh, it throbbing with pain the moment my hand makes contact with the skin. Based on the pain I feel, it should be okay in two weeks.

I get up to do the dishes, but a vibration in my pocket stops me.I fish out my phone only to see a message from Minho oppa.

The best brother in the world ♡♡♡
I'm coming in three days sis 
I missed you

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