Chapter 10

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Right now I'm sitting in a sofa in their living room, lost in thought.Why was Jungkook's shirt drenched in blood?What has he done some nights ago, as he said, to be stained with blood like that?What beef does he have with Taehyung?What was that strong medicine smell coming from that trash bag Jimin threw?Why was Taehyung so nonchalant with Namjoon's falling from the stairs?All these questions without answers are making my head hurt, and I don't even want to assume the possible answers.

"Why are you guys like this?" I lowly grumble, and I heard a little cough in response.I turn around to see Jungkook, done with the laundry and giving me a little smile.

"What happened, Minnie?" he asked, sitting beside me and patting my head tenderly.I feel that confused and frustrated that I didn't even notice he called me by that nickname I hate so much.

"You guys are so confusing... always doing things that I don't understand, acting weirdly around me, Minho or other people...I don't know almost anything about you...Jimin calls me Jia when he's drunk, Taehyung is also carrying a blank face and doesn't like me, you guys sometimes get really aggressive to the point it becomes scary... should I say more?" I whined, finishing my rant.

Jungkook gave me a small smile, his eyes flashing some kind of emotion I don't understand.

"Do you want to know more about me, Minnie?" he asked me."Well, that would be a good start, I guess" I mumble, too frustrated to return the smile.

"My parents left me in an orphanage when I was 4 years old, upon realising 'something was wrong with me', instead of taking me to the doctor.That was their biggest mistake.When I was six years old, I beat when of the kids at the orphanage because he used me pen without asking me.I left him unconscious and he was taken to the hospital, but I wasn't showing the slightest sign of regret.They took me to a doctor, who visited me, and then the doctor told me I would stay in the hospital with them.I was young so I didn't understand what she meant, as she was acting so nice towards me.I only noticed something was wrong when they started injecting me things and would not let me go outside.For my seventh birthday I secretly went to the front yard of the hospital because I had missed going outside, but they caught me and beat me up because I had gone outside.I came to hate that doctor, because she lied to me.

A lot of time passed, maybe two or three years, and they said I could wander around the hospital.That day, I met little Jimin and little Taehyung and befriended them.Slowly, we formed our group you know and always hung out together.We became very close to each other.Later, approximately 6 years ago, Mrs. Choi came to our hospital and wanted to take me, Jimin and Taehyung with her, but we begged her to take the others as well, so she ended up taking all of us with her.She took care of us and always made sure we are happy. Mrs. Choi got home lessons for all of us since we were in no condition to attend school, and we are really grateful to her for that.After her passing, the doctors examined us and said that if we take the medicine they give us, we'll be okay, you already know that part.Anyway, I decided to attend high school, the last year.My grades weren't the brightest, especially english, but I managed to graduate and this is it." Jungkook finally concluded, leaving me awestruck while still trying to comprehend the new information.

"Your life has been hard, Kook, really hard" is all I managed to say."But there's something I want to ask, "What kind of mental disorders do you and the guys have, or used to have?" it's not really something really important to know, but I'm just curious.

He eyed me a little, before hesitantly uttering, "All of us surprisingly have the same disease, schizophrenia."

His last word pierced through my heart and mind like a bullet, leaving me breathless, memories I wanted to forget flooding my mind all at once and forcing tears out of my eyes.Numerous voices and screams fill my ear, to the point I might do deaf, so I desperately clutch my ears, hoping that it would ease the noise even just a bit.I bring my knees close to my chest slowly rocking myself back and forth, completely forgetting my surroundings, totally lost in my dark memories of the past.

Jungkook's Pov

After telling her our disease, her eyes widen and she holds her breath for a moment.Tears start to slowly fill her eyes and she clutches her ears, before bringing her knees close to her chest and rocking herself back and forth.I tried calling her name, but it is as if I'm not even here, she doesn't hear me and feel me shake her shoulder.

She doesn't dare to raise her head as soft sobs are coming from her lips.Seeing Minah like this makes my whole body burn, my heart crumble and my mind go haywire.How do I calm her down?It feels as if I'll drown in her tears if she continues to cry, what do I do?

I try shaking her once more when she mutters a low "Please let me go, please don't hurt me nor Sarah, please leave us alone, please, what did we ever do to you?" before sobbing again.Her sentence leaves me puzzled, but my main priority right now is getting her to stop crying.

I hear footsteps coming closer and I look up to see Jimin hyung, giving me a 'you're so dead to make her cry, what did you do to her you brat' before running up to her.He wraps her arms around her and mutters incoherent words in her ear with his soft voice.

I feel her sobs die down a little and she raises her head to look up at Jimin, her eyes showing confusion."It's okay, Jimin is here with you right now, you're safe and I won't let anyone do anything to you, you don't need to be scared " he says with his honey voice while cupping her face with his small chubby hands.

She slowly nods in response, still not being able to talk as he gives her a bright smile "Such a good girl you are" he says, before patting her head tenderly and picking her up bridal style.

"I'll go put her to sleep now, and when I turn back you better explain what you did to make Jia cry that much" he lowly growled before leaving the room together with her, leaving me baffled.

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