Chapter 37

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I gulp as I make my way to the front door, hands trembling while thinking as to why the heck they would search for me.As I arrive in the front door, I see two officers, both of them looking quite friendly but not wanting to express it.Have I seen them somewhere?I think they are Minhyuk's friends.Does that mean Minhyuk actually thinks something is wrong and sent his friends to help me?Please, let it be that, please.

"Why are you looking for her?" Yoongi asks, surprisingly calm, looking at them expectantly."We have some questions about the murder case of Mr. Kang" one of them answers.

Oh, shoot.I was on the phone with the doctor while that happened, the police can easily suspect me if they searched through his phone.I'm in trouble, I'm in trouble, I'M IN TROUBLE!

I'm literally sweating right now, but I manage to keep my face calm as I tell the guys that I can go by myself and not tell Minho anything.Poor guy had been working extra hours before the incident, and after all we went through he was extremely tired.He still didn't wake up, such a sleepy head.If he woke up while I'm in the police station, they should tell him some kind of lie, he would panic.

I sit in the car and the road is silent, only for some seconds.Upon noticing the heavy silence, one of the officers, who is also driving, looks at me with a big smile "Don't be nervous, they are only some questions, because you were in your house during the murder and you don't have any possible grudge against him to plot anything, we just want to ask a couple of questions you will find it easy to talk about.I'm Eunkwang, by the way" he greets with his eyebrows only, not leaving the steering wheel.

"I'm Peniel" the other officer greets, shaking my hand gently.After that, Eunkwang turns the radio on, singing along to almost every song.This dude's voice is no joke.

Just like that, we arrived at the police station and I had completely forgotten even why I came here, that much they put me at easy.Minhyuk is lucky to have such friends.

I enter the police station together with them and they take me to an office, a curly officer sitting in one of the chairs. "Hello, I'm officer Lee, but you can call me Changsub.I'll be asking you a few questions today.You can talk comfortably here, you're safe" he smiles, gesturing me to sit in front of him, while Eunkwang and Peniel leave us alone, probably having things to do.

"So, I won't beat around the bush.We checked Mr. Kang's phone and the last phone call he had was with you, a quite long one.Can you share with me the topic you were discussing?"

I had thought about what I should say during the ride, so right now I just need to keep calm."I had an appointment the same day, and we were discussing more on the appointment, whether we should book another one or not."

"Can I ask why did you book an appointment with the doctor and also can you tell me more on what you discussed with him?"

"Lately I had a really bad stomach ache and after it didn't go for months, I decided to book an appointment with him, more like consulting as to what can be the cause.He proposed some tests to me, but since I only have my brother, I told him I would discuss the matter further with my brother before deciding on the tests.After discussing with my brother, I called the doctor and  we were discussing when was he free for another appointment so I could prepare the tests beforehand."

"Did he feel scared for any reason?Anything out of the ordinary during the call?"

"As far as we talked, he didn't appear nervous or anything.He seemed completely normal.But, there's something I would like to mention"

"Sure, go ahead"

"During the conversation, he told me that he were all alone in the hospital and everyone had left due to some reconstruction that would happen.But at one point, I heard the door knock and someone came in.The doctor seemed surprised, even a little nervous at their arrival and he told me he would call me later because something came up."

"Oh,that's quite interesting.We'll look into it.Is there anything else you know and you can share with me?"

"No, there isn't"

"Than that's it" Changsub smiled softly, getting up.

What a relief...I made it without stuttering and I sounded reliable.He completely believed me.Right then, the door burst open, revealing Minhyuk.

"Hey kiddo, you okay?I wasn't the one to ask the questions as I didn't see it as fair, we know each other, but I specifically ordered Changsub to be gentle.Did this brat scare you off by any chance?Say it and I'll make sure to teach him a lesson" he said, swinging a hand over my shoulder, while Changsub unconsciously gulped.

"No, he was very friendly, just like your other friends, but right now I have to go, my brother hasn't been feeling well and I shouldn't leave him alone for long" I shrugged, getting his hand off my shoulder and walking away.

"Ah, don't forget my chocolate next time" I yelled, not even bothering to look at him, just waving my hand in the air instead.

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