Chapter 7

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Author's note
As you may have noticed, this story is mainly in Minah's Pov, but if any part will be written in another character's Pov, or in Author's Pov, I'll specify it. If a chapter starts without a specification, than it's Minah's Pov. Enjoy <3

Not even halfway to my house, I see a big white car with the mental hospital logo park nearby.A man probably in his 50s with a white uniform getting off the car and making his way to the guys house.What is he even doing here though?Out of curiosity, I decide to stay outside a little longer and maybe get to know what is he doing here.

The man knocks on their door and is greeted by Jimin, who upon seeing who it is, gives an obviously exaggerated toothy smile."What are you doing here, Mr. Bang?"

"Don't act like you don't know, Jimin-ssi. Today is the day of the month I bring to you guys the medicine you need to take daily" the said Mr. Bang shoots him a smile, while taking a bunch of medicine bottles out of his bag.

Jimin extands his hand with an annoyed look on his face, grabs the bottles and closes the door on the man's face, not even saying goodbye.The man sighs and turns around to go to his car, but I run to stop him.

"Hello mister" I bow politely at him, "I'm their friend and we hang out a lot together, so I'm curious about their condition.If you have some time, can we talk for a while?" I tried to sound as polite as I could, hope the old man buys it.

He shoots me a warm smile, "Of course young lady.What do you want to know?" "Everything" I mumble, quite cautious because I'm literally talking to a stranger right now.

"These guys have been in our mental hospital for a long time, until a dear old friend of ours, Mrs. Choi, personally took them to her house and looked after them.After her sudden passing, we visited the guys to make sure they weren't dangerous for the people around them.Every month we bring them medicine, which if it's drank regularly, will help them control themselves and will improve their mental condition.So, if they do drink their medicine, they'll be okay." he gives me another warm smile.

"Do they tend to be aggressive? " I asked, remembering how they beat up that guy at the park.

"They can be aggressive by their personality as well, cause there are a lot of aggressive people but they don't have a mental illness.But as I said, the medicine helps them control their anger and resent as well.Now, if you don't mind, I have other people I need to look after dear, so I'll take my leave."

"Sure mister, thank you for your time and have a nice day" I bow again at him, his words leaving me puzzled.

That day, the fire I saw in Jungkook, Jimin's and Taehyung's eyes was nowhere near normal, so if the medicine helps them control their anger, what if they don't take their medicine regularly?That's not good, so I really hope what I'm thinking is wrong.

"Are you okay?" a voice interrupts my train of thought, startling me and I look up to see Jimin looking at me concerned."Nothing.I was just lost in my thoughts, nothing serious.What are you doing here? I ask, distracting him from the topic.

"Nothing much, just throwing the trash. It was me who had to do it for today" he pouted.But I wasn't really listening to him, as the smell coming from the trash bag totally distracted me from him. It smelt... medicine?They must be throwing the empty medicine bottles from the last month, but why my hunch is telling me to check it out?

"Jimin, I gotta go now, I have to make lunch for me and Minho" I say, noticing how his expression completely changed at the mention of my brother.Angry much?After that he gives me a bear hug and walks away.

After entering the house, I run to the window, observing Jimin's moves.He goes to the trash can, throws the bag in and calmly makes his way to his home. Why is he walking so slowly?!

After he finally enters the house I run to find a pair of gloves and rush outside, only to see the trash car parking near the trash can and taking all the trash inside.Nooooooo!

*That night

Taehyung's Pov

"How dare you?" Jungkook screams, grabbing me by the collar and slamming me on the wall.He is looking at me with such fury in his eyes, as if I'm going to be intimidated by him.I can see the other guys worriedly looking at us two, Namjoon also coming near us with Jimin helping him to walk, a big bandage wrapped around his head, making him look like a mummy.

I look again into Jungkook's eyes, clearly giving him the impression that I don't fear him and don't regret what I did.Then I slowly lean my head towards his ear, whispering slowly so the others won't hear "Is this my thank you Jungkook?I saved you today and both of us know very well what would have happened if I didn't do what I did so what's with all this fuss?Now please take your hands off my collar before I slice your throat open right here, right now" keeping a straight face so the others won't understand what I'm saying, while stealthily putting my hand in my pocket and grabbing the small dagger I always keep with me.

I don't get to use it as Jungkook lets me go without saying me a word, so I make my way towards my room, hands in pockets as Jimin rushes after me to see if I'm really okay.I enter the room and Jimin immediately grabs my collar to check for any wound, but my mind is downstairs, as the sound of glass breaking can be heard from here.Looks like lil bunny is angry.

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