Chapter 1

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After paying the taxi driver, he left and now both of us are staring at the big wooden door of the house, more than excited. Minho extends his hand and knocks on the door. We both take deep breaths and wait for the door to get opened, but it's not opening.

Five minutes have passed and we knocked again and again, but we got no answer. I'm starting to get worried, seriously what is going on?

"Who are you?"

Both Minho and I turn around only to be met with a boy I have never seen before. He might be from the neighborhood.

"Uhh we are looking for our grandma, she lives in this house. We've been knocking on the door for quite a while but she's not answering, do you have any idea where she is?" Minho asks him and I turn to look at him expectantly.

I notice his face expression becoming grim, before he finally utters "Uhm, actually it's quite a long story so would you like to come at my house and I explain it to you? It's better than staying here on our feet" both Minho and I looking at him quite dumbfounded, like literally we asked him if he has any idea where our grandma is and he says that it's a long story and invites us to his house.

"Pardon?We are just asking if you know where our grandma is, what is there to be a long story?" I ask him, slightly agitated, he's not making any sense at all. He awkwardly scratches his nape, before saying "Please, look it's right here", and he points to the house next to grandma's.

"Fine we are coming" Minho utters while shrugging.

He takes us to his house and we sit in the living room while he goes to fetch some snacks. "Like seriously, Minho? What the heck is going on?" Minho shrugs, "I have no idea as well" I start playing with my fingers when I hear the sound of glass breaking and a string of curses. Clumsy much.

The guy finally appears and settles everything down on the small table before us. "So?"

He releases an exasperated sigh before starting to speak, "Ok I'll explain but please don't interrupt me while I talk."

"I, together with my friends used to live with your grandma before, and I guess you don't know, but she passed away a year ago. The doctors said it was because of a heart attack and we all felt very sorry because we weren't able to help her in her last moments."

Both Minho and I look at him shocked. Grandma has died? How can this happen? It can't be, no no no no it can't be it's been years since I last saw her and now a stranger just comes to me and says she died! It doesn't make sense! I start breathing heavily and squeeze Minho's hand in mine.

"So that's why we haven't been able to contact her all this time" Minho utters. I can't help but feel a tear escaping from my eye.

"Me and my friends couldn't stay in that house for longer because everything there reminded us of her, so we took a house nearby to live.Time after time me and my friends cleaned the house thinking that any of her relatives might come so you can go there if you want."

Both Minho and I nod, wanting to mourn our beloved grandma in private, so the guy gets up saying that he would give as the key to the house.We heard rumagging, drawers opening and closing, also a vase falling to the ground. This guy sure is clumsy. Then, he comes out with a key in his hand and hands it out to Minho.

We get up and were about to leave, when Minho asks the guy something. "Grandma used to take care of people mentally disable and a while ago you said you and your friends lived with her. That leads me to think that you and your friends also have some kind of mental disorders. Did you get checked after her passing? Are you guys safe to stay around?" Minho says, eyeing him worried.

This question took the guy aback, and he nervously looked at us before saying "Well, some doctors from a mental hospital visited us. They gave us medicine and said that as long as we take the medicine, we are okay and we are not dangerous for the people around us."

"That's okay, then.Sorry if I made you uncomfortable with my question" Minho mumbled, scratching his nape awkwardly."We never got your name though" I said, now all of us in front of our door.

"Oh, I forgot. My name is Namjoon. Kim Namjoon. And you are?" he said, giving us both a dimple smile.

"My name is Choi Minho" my brother said, shaking Namjoon's hand."And I'm Choi Minah" I say, forcing a little smile, just to be polite."Nice to meet you" I say, before Minho unlocks the door and enters in the house. I also enter and then I look back to see Namjoon waving at me. I return his wave and enter the house, still shaken up about everything.

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