Chapter 17

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Jungkook's Pov

Living with Minah feels so refreshing.I woke up happy today, even though she was a little grumpy.She looked so cute with her panda eyes today, but she wasn't happy with them.

We played a lot of video games today, and I might have let her win a couple of times.We also watched a drama she liked.She also texted with a cousin of hers, as she said.I think it's better if I believe her, it's better to give her freedom.I don't want her to feel imprisoned here.

Now it's time to sleep and she already went, though she kindly asked me not to sleep in the same bed as her.While I have a cuddling habit and can't sleep without wrapping my arms around something, she can't sleep if she can't move her body.Apparently, that's the reason she couldn't sleep last night, as my 'iron' grip didn't let her move an inch.

So I'll just sleep in the floor while she takes the bed.Even though she didn't mind sleeping in the floor, I couldn't let her that.

I make my way to my room and the first thing I see after I open the door is Minah looking like a starfish.Her head is in the end of the bed, one foot dangling in the air while the other is on a pillow.Her arms are wide open, as if she wants to do a snow angel.Cute.

A make my way to my spot on the floor and lay down, happy that the girl whom I love with my whole heart doesn't hate me.It's a little progress from yesterday, but I'll make sure that one day I'll steal her heart, just like she stole mine.

*1 week later

Author's Pov

It's been a week since Minah started living with the boys, and she has become a little more relaxed with them, or so they think.All she has in mind is winning their trust and escape with her brother far away, where they can never find her.

She never forgot about Taemin.After a lot of begging,Jungkook  finally agreed to let her attend his funeral, him coming as well.This made her realise that it was still too soon and that she had to try more to win his trust.He wasn't stupid.

There was this one thing that stayed in her mind.Throughout the whole funeral, Jungkook looked like he didn't want to be there at all and he also refused to look at the coffin, keeping his eyes everywhere but there.It weirded her out, because as soon as the coffin was buried in the ground, he dragged her away, driving home and he didn't talk the whole day.

Minho didn't attend the funeral either. Minah expected that and completely understood him.Taemin's death gave him a big hit, and this was his way of coping.Even when Minho and Minah's parents died, he locked himself in his room for days and didn't talk either.He would only accept Minah entering the room and would hug her tightly, not letting go for hours.

Minah constantly felt as if something was wrong.She would see dreams she didn't understand, and a very little voice in the back of her mind would constantly tell her that the boys returning drenched in blood home and the next day Taemin being found dead wasn't a coincidence.

She didn't want to believe that.Why would they even kill Taemin?They didn't have a reason to do that, at least that's what she thought, but she started to see dreams of Taemin being tortured by the guys.His screams for help haunted Minah everywhere.

She started to lose focus, and the boys had to call her at least ten times to get her attention.She started to get less sleep and even though Jungkook would find her panda eyes cute, he started to seriously worry for her.

In his mind, it was because of that mysterious fear she had.He clearly remembered the day he told her he had schizophrenia.She started shaking, crying and his voice wouldn't reach her.He thought that if he got to know where that fear came from, he would be able to help her.

So that's what he did.

"Minah, can we talk?"

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