Chapter 2

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I wake up to the sun rays hitting my face.Not fully awake, I stretch my hand and grab my phone, only to see it's 5:37 am.Maybe I'm still not used to the time change.

After washing my face and combing my hair, I go to the kitchen only to see Minho already up and making pancakes."What's with the fancy breakfast, oppa? Are you in a good mood?"

"Good morning you too, missy. And yeah, I'm in a good mood today because I'll meet my friends whom I haven't met for years!" he happily grinned. I look him up and down and realised he was already dressed up, ready to go.

"Are you going now?Cause sure as hell your friends aren't awake at 6 am in the morning" I chuckled dryly. "Do I look like I care?" he grinned. Then Minho raised on his feet and turned to me."Ok lil sis I'll get going now.Eat up and please don't burn the house down while I'm out, ok?"

I scoffed."If I were to burn the house down, I'd do it while you are sleeping, don't worry" and then I burst out laughing at his blank expression."You have the most impressive humour sense ever" he said, sarcasm evident in his tone. Then he made his way out, leaving me alone with my precious pancakes.

Half an hour passed and I just finished eating.Just as I was starting to wash the dishes, I hear the doorbell.Who the heck is it this early in the morning?

Rushing to the front door, I take a look at the peephole, only to see Namjoon and six other guys.Seriously?I just met the guy yesterday, and I must say it was an awkward meeting, and literally first thing he does the next morning he brings his whole group in my doorstep! It's literally- wait a minute, I don't know the time.I take a glance at my phone, it's freaking 6:13 am!

Trying my best to keep a polite smile ok my face, I open the door and am greeted with a dozen of hellos.

"Morning Namjoon!I see you brought your friends over, come on in!"All of them enter the house and directly go to the living room.For a second I forgot they once lived here.

I also joined them and sat in a chair, not wanting to share a seat with any of them."Sorry guys but we only came here yesterday and I don't have any snacks here to treat you" I said while bowing a little."It's not a problem" one of them said, giving me a cute bunny smile.

After that, they started introducing themselves, but I highly doubt I'll remember all of their names right away, so I didn't really pay attention. After that, one of them asked me to say my name and something about myself.

"Hello, my name's Minah.I live here together with my older brother, which is not here at the moment, we both came from London and uhh, I just graduated." Right after that, one of them squealed "You're the same age as Jungkookie!Go and seat near her, Kookie!" Then I see the bunny smile guy coming to me.Tch, we are the same age and automatically we'll be the best of friends.Typical asian mom mindset. I highly doubt I'll even remember his name after they leave.

Time passes not as slowly as I thought and after a lot of chitchat, they decide they need to leave and said their goodbyes.Actually they are not as bad as I thought.Quite weird they are, but Minho and his friends are also total weirdos when they come together. But there was this one guy who creeped me out.All the time he kept a blank face and he didn't smile even when Namjoon tripped over his own feet and fell face first on the floor.Quite a funny scene, I must say.But overall, they are okay, I guess?Anyway, I need to make a list with the things the house needed and sure as hell it's gonna take a long time, so I better get moving.

In the afternoon

I paid the cashier for everything I bought and, actually I didn't really wanna leave the shop, as that would mean for me to carry 6 bags and they seemed quite heavy.Minho still didn't come back and I highly doubt I'll be able to take them home, what do I do?

I half-heartedly pick up the bags and start making my way to the house, already regretting my life choices, when I heard someone calling my name.I turn around only to see bunny guy, I think his name was Jungkook, running to me.Soon he arrives and takes a minute to catch his breath. "Are those yours?" he asks, still struggling to breathe."Umm yeah, could you hel-" he immediately snatches all the bags from my hands, not even waiting for me to ask him.

"Are you okay?Those bags are heavy as hell." I asked him worried."Yah, don't worry, I go to the gym all the time.This is a piece of cake for me."

We continue making our way to my house, both of us not really knowing what to say, before he breaks the silence."You just graduated, right?Do you have any dreams?"

"Well, actually, I've always been interested in computers and technology.When Minho oppa started studying for IT engineering, I would always stick to him out of curiosity and soon realised that I also want to follow his steps.This is it.What about you?"

I see him go silent and I can see it in his eyes that my question made him think deeply about an answer."To say the truth, I'm good at a lot of things, so I don't really know.But in the moment, I'm helping Yoongi hyung with his lamb skewer shop."I narrowed my eyes at him, giving him a 'You still didn't answer my question' look.

"If I'll be honest, I enjoy gaming quite a lot and I'm really good at it.Maybe I can even pursue a career as a professional gamer."

"Oh, quite interesting.So you're saying you'll be my somewhat colleague, huh?"Did his cheeks go pink just now? "Yeah, I guess" he cutely stammered.

"What about the others?I'm quite curious, to say the least."I mumble, genuinely curious about theie lives, even though I don't know why.

"Jin hyung is a cook, aspiring to become a chef.Yoongi hyung, as I said, has a lamb skewer shop, but in his free time he likes to write music.We even had him play some of them on piano.Hobi hyung has a dance studio, he opened it a year ago and teaches kids and teens dance.Namjoon hyung gives English private lessons, while Jimin hyung and Taehyung hyung are still studying."

"Wow, I'm actually impressed Namjoon found a job where his clumsiness isn't dangerous for himself and the people around him.What do Jimin and Taehyung study?" I interrupted him, feeling the need to joke about Namjoon or else the funny comment would slip away from my mind.

He chuckled, amused."I also agree. Anyway, Jimin hyung is majoring in contemporary dance and ballet while Taehyung hyung is attending the university of arts, taking classes for modelling, acting, photography and painting."

"Wow, impressive" I chuckled.That was really unexpected.I didn't really think they had an artistic spirit in them.I glance up, only to realise we were in front of my door now.

"Well, thanks Jungkook for the conversation and for telling me more about the guys.Both me and Minho will make sure to come over one of these days!Bye now!" I said, waving at him. He chuckles, waves at me and turns around, while I enter the house and close the door behind me.Maybe I was wrong in the morning.We click well and I enjoyed conversing with him. Maybe we'll become the best of friends after all.

A filler and it'll help us get to know about the characters lives more.Hope you liked it<3

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