Epilogue pt.1

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*6 years later

The cold breeze hits my face gently as I make my way to the cemetery, two bouquets of flowers in my hands.It's still really cold and even the coat wrapped around me isn't helping much to protect me from this cold weather.I stand in front of two tombs, two names I know way too well, as I leave one bouquet of flowers in front of each.

"Hey Jin, Hoseok, how have you been? It's been a while since I've been here, life has been hectic in general. Especially mornings, when you have Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung next door.You already know that, though, you're watching from wherever you are.And don't worry, I'll wish Yoongi a happy birthday from you both when I stop by the shop after work" I grinned, excited at the thought of celebrating Yoongi's birthday there.

"Anyway guys, I have to go now, or else I'll be late for work.Bye" I wave at the tombs, turning my back on them and walking away.

That day six years ago, we had lost Jin on the spot and the police officers were shocked to find his body laying in a pool of blood in the basement. Thankfully, Minhyuk didn't allow me to see him in that state.

I was not okay at all.When the police officers first entered the house I started screaming at them to arrest me for hitting Taehyung in the head.Minhyuk made me tell everything and after that he tried calming me down, telling me that it was self defense and that Taehyung was okay.He didn't succeed in getting me to calm down though.

As for Hoseok, he didn't give up at first. The doctors took him and he got a surgery, but he didn't wake up after that.I waited for him for five months, but instead of waking up, he passed away.I was shocked to say the least.

Where the other guys were at that time?Yoongi, Namjoon and Jimin were almost done with their treatment in a mental hospital, while Taehyung was taking a heavier treatment.The doctors insisted on giving him a severe treatment where he'd get to know human emotions much better than he already knew.He would be able to understand people better and even experience small emotions with other people except Jimin as well.

It was hard for me to see him in person for quite some time, but a part of me couldn't help but try to understand him. It wasn't his fault he was like this, and even though looking at him reminded me of what happened, I couldn't leave him alone.No one else was there for him and I couldn't get myself to be the cruel one and turn my back on him as well.I visited him almost everyday, and even though we didn't straight away meet, he was aware I was there and I was aware that me visiting him from time to time helped him.

Since the guys had mental problems, the court was generous enough to give them a light sentence like public service after they got their treatment. Yoongi, Namjoon and Jimin came back three years ago and I still remember the glares Minho would give them.It took a while, but now he is used to them and doesn't hate them as much. At least, he tries not to show it.

As for Taehyung, he came back five months ago.I still remember that day. I had never seen Taehyung shy before. He was afraid to even meet our gazes and apologised countless of times for his mistakes, to us and to Jin and Hoseok too.He tried everything to make up for his mistakes, from sleeping on the couch, to starving himself from the feeling of guilt, to insisting on helping with the lamb skewer shop.

He tried serving to the clients, but that didn't end well as the customers started fangirling over him.They bashed him until he snapped and no one came in the shop for three days.

After that he tried cooking, and that day  I had to call the fire fighters.It was a complete mess.

Lastly, he tried the dishes, and much to our surprise, he was good.As a result, he is the dishwasher for the shop and we are more than content with his work.

Ever since, we tried picking ourselves up and move on from everything. Jimin now runs Hoseok's dance studio, pursuing Hoseok's dream instead of his, Namjoon is an English teacher at a high school and Taehyung almost finished his college, ready to become a professional photographer.

I finished university three years ago and right now I'm an IT engineer, working for a prestigious company. Minho did invite me to work with him as his colleague, but I wanted to be independent so I got a job in another place.And I'm happy with it.With my colleagues as well.

As for Jungkook...

Right now he is in prison, paying for the murders he did.After he finished getting his treatment, the court decided to have him serve some time in prison for all the lives he took.

I kept my promise to him.

Ever since he was taken to the hospital, every night I'd go and meet him so he would feel he is not alone.When he entered in prison, I went to visit him but he didn't accept to meet me.I was baffled, but he called me later that night and explained me.

He told me he needed time alone, time to correct himself and that he had to suffer alone for the terrible things he did.He wanted to repent and come back to me after becoming a new version of him, a better version of him.

I understood his decision and didn't call him or visit him again, even though I did ask the security guards to update me on his condition regularly.He did call whenever there was a birthday, though.

He still hasn't called today though, and that's weird.He always calls in midnight, as he wants to be the first to wish us a happy birthday, whether it be me, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung or Yoongi.

Where is he?

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