Chapter 27

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Minho and I get out of the house, the gifts we each prepared for Kook being wrapped together and staying in my hands.As we near Kook's house, a big commotion can be heard.If someone who didn't know them heard, he would think some wild animals escaped from the zoo.

We impatiently knocked on their door, Jin opening it with a 'save me' face, and I start regretting not sending the gift to Kook online.We enter inside and see that most of the guys had formed a pile of bodies, Kook being squished in the very end while the other guys were laughing.

Taehyung was silently judging them from the couch, probably regretting his choice of friends, while Yoongi was taking a nap beside him, his head being in a very weird position.If we don't wake him up soon, when he does wake up his neck is gonna hurt so badly, so I scream in the top of my lungs "MIN YOONGI WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!" startling the other guys as well.

They slowly got off Kook and he immediately ran to me and hugged me tight, even spinning me.I kinda got dizzy though, so I started tapping his shoulder so he could stop.After he left me, another pair of arms wrapped around me tightly.Are these boys gonna let me breathe?

After we all greet each other, we settle on the couch, everybody with their gifts in hand, ready to give it to Kook, the only one empty handed being Jin, whom I assume forgot to bring his.Jin tells me to go and fetch it for him from his bedroom, thing that I gladly do.

After entering his room, his gift is right on the bed and I pick it up.I turn around to leave, but something in my peripheral vision catches my attention. I turn around to see a shelf, full of folders. Does this guy secretly own a company or something?

I go near the shelf and look at it closely. There are not much folders and all of them have the same color, red, except one at the far end of the shelf which is black.I take it curiously and open it, a bunch of medical tests appearing in front of my eyes.I read the name of the person these tests belong to and I swear my heart skipped a beat that moment.

It's grandma.

The date of the tests isn't way before her death, but only two weeks before that.I'm curious, but I can't have them understand I took something from their house without asking, so I take the sheets out of the folder, fold them nicely and hide inside a pocket of mine. Than, I put the empty folder in its place and run downstairs together with Jin's gift.

The gift exchange is rather noisy, messy and especially funny, with the cheeky remarks they say to each other.Jin got a dozen of colorful shirts for Kook, saying it was boring to see Kook wearing only black and white all his life.Yoongi had got an anti-snoring spray for him, saying that Kook's snore would disturb his sleep.

Hoseok had bought enough banana milk for a year and a recipe book for protein shakes, since Kook had always been interested in these things, while Jimin had got a bunny plushie, saying that it looked just like Kook himself.

Taehyung had the funniest remark for the perfume he bought, saying that Kook really needed that, as he stinks. Well, I kinda agree as well.The funniest reaction from Jungkook was brought from Namjoon's gift, which consisted of English private lessons.Jungkook had a facial expression worth a whole drama.

In the end, it was my turn, and I slowly got up from my seat and handed him the gift, giving him a big smile."Both my and Minho's gifts are inside" I say, and than I sit down.

He slowly opens the gift and is surprised by what he sees "Gym clothes?" he mumbled, surprised.He sure liked that, but what surprised him the most were a pair of boxing gloves.

"What are these for?" he asked me, giving me a weird look, but instead of me, Minho speaks up."Look carefully in the bottom of the box" giving Kook a slight smirk as well.

He eyes us both siblings before looking once again at the gift box, his eyebrows scrunching upon noticing a small envelope in the end of the box.He slowly opens it and I put my hands near my ears, just in case.

"PRIVATE BOXING LESSONS?ARE YOU KIDDING ME?MINHO HYUNG VERY VERY THANK YOU!I'LL REMEMBER THIS FOR LIFE!" Kook screamed, throwing himself in Minho's arms.I knew he would like the gift.It's been quite a time since he talked to me about how he started to learn boxing.So, while we were out to buy the gifts for Kook yesterday, this bright idea came to me and I called oppa to ask whether he knew someone who could help us with the boxing lessons.Thankfully, Minho has a lot of friends and was able to support my idea fully.

I take a look at the other guys and most of them are shaking their heads in embarrassment, Taehyung is just watching, quite amused by Kook's childish behavior, while Jimin is glaring holes in Minho's skull.Seriously, what's his problem?

*Three hours later

We are now completed with everything. We gave the gifts, ate dinner, used my oreo cheesecake as Kook's birthday cake, we dared each other to dance to different songs, watched a thriller movie and now don't have neither any idea of what to do and neither the energy.

Jin suggested both Minho and I sleep over, but I don't really like the idea of Minho and Jimin sleeping under the same roof so I suggest Minho goes home, with the excuse he has to go to work early tomorrow.

Right now, Minho just left and I'm here with the guys.Kook immediately grabbed my hand and said "Minnie is coming to my room" before he run upstairs together with me.

He lays me down on the bed, covers me with a light blanket, prepares his place in the floor and assuming I'm asleep he goes to his closet to fetch a T-shirt.But, I'm wide awake and watching him.

He has his back on me, so he doesn't notice and proceeds to take his current T-shirt off, giving me a full view of his back.Rather than admiring his back muscles, the long scars all over his back leave me puzzled.Did someone whip him with a belt or something?It must have hurt a lot...

"What are all those scars in your back?" I mumble, a hint of worry in my voice. Kook turns his head to confirm I'm awake before wearing the T-shirt he fetched and comes to me with small steps, as if he didn't want to talk about that topic at all.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, I was just worried because the scars were big and it seemed as if they hurt a lot.Are they okay now or do they still hurt?" I mumbled, genuinely worried about him.

I notice his eyes glistening with tears, but...he looks happy?He gives me a tight hug, mumbles a sweet good night in my ears and runs out of the room. But I just can't get myself to sleep, my mind only thinking about the medical tests of grandma.Unfortunately, I couldn't check them right now, because Kook could come in at any moment, but first thing I am planning to do after I go home tomorrow is check them.

Author's Pov

Jungkook sprinted out of his room, his mind and heart in cloud nine from the thought that Minah actually worried for him.Deep down he knew it didn't necessarily mean she was falling in love with him, but at least it was a sign she didn't have any sort of negative feeling towards him.So he barged in the closest bedroom, which happened to be Jimin and Taehyung's room, and jumped on top of Jimin, hugging him tightly, tears forming in his eyes.

"Hyung, hyung, she worried about me today, she worried for me, whether I was in pain or not!" he silently screamed, still not fully believing what happened.

Jimin hugged him back tightly, genuinely happy for his friend, because he knew how happy that small gesture made him.

Meanwhile, Taehyung watched them from afar.He couldn't say he felt happy for Jungkook, but, he kind of understood him, as he was reminded of how happy he had felt when Jimin worried about him for the first time.

Author's note

A long chapter for Kookie's birthday...did u find anything suspicious?

Because, drama is coming up...

Enjoy <3

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