Chapter 13

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Right now, Minho is getting out of the door, a luggage in his hands.He hugs me goodbye and than goes, leaving me all alone.I immediately close the door and enter the house, plopping myself on the couch.

There's this good drama I found some days ago, before Taemin went missing, and I haven't been able to watch it.It's 'Sweet home', a thriller drama where humans turn into monsters.It's not cheesy,predictable and the most important,there isn't an actual romance.Maybe right now is the best time to binge watch it, as it would also help me forget about my lost friend and my dangerous neightbors.

*After binge watching the whole drama

Right now it's really late, it's 1 am.I didn't stay glued in front of the TV, but I did get up to prepare something to eat for myself.Even Jinki and Kibum, Minho's friends dropped by to check me, as before leaving, Minho made them promise they would everyday check how I'm doing.

I get up to leave my emptied bowl of popcorn in the kitchen, feeling that my legs are not ready to support the weight of my body after spending hours seated.

Sighing, I put the bowl in the sink, too lazy to wash it now so I left it for tomorrow.I turn around, and my eyes go out of the window, landing in the house of my 'lovely' neighbors, where they catch something interesting.

They are all outside, as if coming back from somewhere, and one of them opened the door, I think it's Seokjin?He enters the house and turns the lights on, providing me with a better view of the guys.

I wish I couldn't see them clearly.

Jungkook's clothes and hands are completely red, as if drenched with blood.He's completely covered in blood, completely.The others also have blood stains on their clothes, but not as much as him.

My mind is telling me to run to my room, lock the door and call the police, but my feet are staying glued to the ground.They all take off their shoes, when I make eye contact with one of them.

It's Taehyung.

He simply rolls his eyes and gives me a 'you know what happens if you tell anyone about this' look, before entering the house, not even bothering to tell the others I'm watching them.To say the truth, I'm glad it was Taehyung, because if one of the others was the one to make eye contact with me, it's certain I wouldn't wake up tomorrow.

I run to my room, making sure I don't make any noise, before bouncing on my bed.I stare at my phone, uncertain, Taehyung's glare still managing to send shivers down my spine.I just couldn't bring myself to call the police.My mind repeatedly tells me to call them, but my hand isn't responding to my brain's command.

Instead, I try closing my eyes, but their images, drenched in blood come to my mind.Like a fast paced movie, that bloodied shirt of Jungkook's, Taehyung's countless glares, bruises I would see in them time to time, the maknaes beating that guy up in the park like there was no tomorrow, that guy's photo on the news, they all go through my mind at such speed, my head aches.This sure is gonna be a long night.

*The next day, 05:37 am

I wake up to my phone ringing, the ringtone piercing through my ears like a knife.I cover my head with my pillow, hoping that whoever is disturbing my precious sleep this early gives up.But, unfortunately for me, they are not.

Grumbling under my breath, I extend my hand towards my nightstand and grab the phone, answering it before even looking at the caller's ID.The next phrase I hear, makes me drop my phone on the pillow and run to find something decent to wear, still gasping for air.

"The police might have found Taemin"

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