Chapter 20

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I turn around, petrified, only to be met with Jin.Shoot!I forgot that he was in the bathroom!Ugh Jin, couldn't you stay in the bathroom just a little more?

He calmly takes me to the kitchen, after making sure none of the other guys saw me.We sit in the couch and Jin turns the game off, giving me that 'we are gonna have some serious talking' vibe.

"You already heard the guys talking about the Taehyung incident.I'll be honest, it's not the first time and it's not gonna be the last.You're aware that we all have mental diseases, and Taehyung happens to be in a worse condition than the others" Jin calmly says, catching me off guard.I didn't expect him to be this straightforward with me.

"Yeah, you didn't expect me to be straightforward with you now moving on.Maybe you'll ask why we aren't doing anything about Taehyung, maybe you'll say that he should be back in the hospital, you might think that he is dangerous and can kill us all and you're right if you think that, but we can't do anything about it" he says, looking down in shame.

I look at him, baffled.What does he mean that they can't do anything about it?He'll kill us!As if reading my mind again, he starts talking.

"The seven of us have been together through thick and thin, we're friends since childhood and I could say that we grew up in the hands of each other.We raised each other, Minah.And all that time we spent together, created a great bond between us, a bond that can't be broken that easily.Even though there are days when he's completely out of it and can hurt us, we can't bring ourselves to send him to the hospital, because after all, he is our brother, and we swore to protect each other until the very end" Jin says, the sincerity in his eyes convincing me as well.

He has a point.After all that time they spent together, they can't just throw him away.If Minho was in Taehyung's place, I would do the same as these guys, I would never be able to send him away like that.I would feel like I abandoned him and the guilt would eat me alive.

But, since they spent all this time with each other, there's the possibility that Taehyung doesn't kill them.But, he totally hates my guts since day one.So, Minah, keep in mind:don't come across Taehyung no matter what today.

"Look Minah, what we did to you is wrong and ever since we took the decision to keep you here, I've been feeling guilty.You might not believe this,though.But the only reason we did it is because, ever since Kook met you, he became a better person, I'm serious. Maybe it was love at first sight or something else, but since then, he is less aggressive, doesn't cause trouble as much as he used to, doesn't fight with Taehyung as much as he used to, and he's happier.Believe it or not, but he didn't laugh before.His laugh would be a very rare sight, but ever since meeting you, he's always happy, in a good mood, and that's been bringing the whole team's mood as well.I admit we made a selfish decision, but Jungkook wanted to prove you his love and we just wanted him to be happy. But believe me, I've been feeling really bad everytime that I see you, so, in the name of all the guys and me, I'm really really sorry, Minah" he said, bowing to me.

I'm puzzled, seeing Jin, five years older than me, bowing to me.I immediately rush to him and stopping him, still processing the words he said.I shouldn't believe them, but Jin can be an exception.Ever since I started living with them, I noticed he was the calmest and the sanest one of them all.Well, Yoongi is also calm, but just because he's lazy, Jin is calm by nature, so I always felt like I could count on him, so I believe his words.

"It's okay,Jin.I can't say I understand the part of keeping me here completely, but I get the fact that you're trying to protect Taehyung.You've had it hard too, didn't you?Taking care of all these guys by yourself, you already have too much on your plate, don't burden yourself with me as well" I said, patting his shoulder.

*Hours later, while everyone is sleeping

A slowly get up from the bed, feeling thirsty all of a sudden.I steal a glance at Jungkook, the bunny is sleeping soundly.I kinda feel bad I'm making him sleep on the floor, but he insists on me sleeping in his room and he won't allow me to sleep on the floor, so what can I do?His choice.

I quietly get out of the room,walk through the hall, go down the stairs and arrive to the kitchen.I drink a glass of water, but the sound of footsteps almost makes me choke the whole thing.I turn around, to be met with the one and only Kim Taehyung.

"Ooh who do we have here, this house's only girl, Choi Minah!I haven't seen you the whole day, it's such a pleasure to meet you here" he says, giving me a wide grin that somehow creeps me out. It's the very first time I see him express something with his face and his intentions don't look good, go Minah go!

I try to walk past him, but he grabs my wrist and stops me in my tracks."Why leave so early, Minah?I didn't see anyone today and I'm bored, will you help me out of my boredom?" and without waiting for an answer, he drags me towards a part of the house I've never been before, the basement.

Both of us enter the basement, than he locks the door and takes out a dagger from his pocket, making me gulp."But why do you look nervous, Minah?I'll just play a little with this, nothing to worry " he says, making his way towards me.

I walk backwards until my back hits the wall and I watch in horror him coming closer to me."Why are you doing this Taehyung, you and the guys have spent so much time together and created such a bond, my death would make Jungkook so sad, don't you know?" I cry, suddenly thankful towards Jin for everything he told me.

He comes close to me,his face inches apart from mine, and his grin being the widest it can get."Yeah Minah, that's right, I spent a lot of time with those guys, but that doesn't mean I really care about them" he says, leaving me puzzled.What does he mean?He leans towards my ear, and calmly whispers three words that make my heart stop.

"I'm a psychopath"

And he stabs me.

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