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We both attacked at the moment the first soldiers tried to stun us. Seeing as they didn't bring guns. Means that they want me alive. And for what? I have no idea. But that wasn't gonna stop me from kicking their asses!

Game on motherfuckers!



I roared and attacked one, he fell flat on his back and I roared in his face. I made sure to get my fangs really close to his face. I smirked when I could smell his fear. And maybe even a little bit of piss. Motherfucker. I raised a hand, my claws ready to slice him. But then I remembered, my parents. We don't kill unless we have to. I grunted in frustration, I closed my hand into a fist and brought it down hard. Hitting him so hard that with only one punch to the face, he was out. His nose bleeding heavily. I smirked. He'll definitely feel that one later on.

But then I got up and twirled. I kicked one that was trying to sneak up from behind me. He flew across the land and hit the ground hard. I waited a few seconds to make sure he was out. Which he was. He must have hit his head. I huffed. This was too easy. I shook my head and started to up my game. I kicked, I punched, and I shoved any of the ones that came at me. I made sure all of them were out or down. I didn't need any of them to suddenly get up and try to surprise attack me.

I even used a bit of magic to blast them away. I took my stance and I roared as loud as I could. I angrily glared at them. "Come at me motherfuckers! You fucked with my mates and I'll fuck with you! I'll make sure none of my mates fall into your hands again! I won't!", I roared. I angrily went through any solider that came at me. I kicked, punched, blasted any of them. I was so pissed. They were not gonna take me away from my one chance at going home. I will not let them take me! I will not!

I screamed as I felt pain run through my body as I felt the stun gun hit me. "Chloe!", I heard Eddie yell my name. But I angrily turned to the man that decided that today was his day. Hmmm. I glared at him. I grit my teeth. Don't kill him. Don't kill him. Don't kill him. And I won't! I won't kill him! But I'll make sure he feels this for awhile. I angrily wrapped my arms around him. I cast a spell on him. To make him feel as if he were on fire. Burn baby! Burn! Is it wrong that I found the sound of his screams delicious? Cause I did. He may not be on fire. But to him it feels like he's burning. Burn baby. Burn. I smirked Evilly. He started to run Around like a headless chicken. Until he ran into a tree really hard and he fell on the ground hard.

I couldn't help but chuckle. Idiot. I smirked and turned back to Eddie. "Once a badass, always badass", he said with a smirk on his lips. I giggled. "Always Ed's, always", I said as I wiped the sweat off of my forehead. Ew. Gross.

"I am definitely in need of a vacation after this", I said dramatically. Hey, I'm aloud to be dramatic. I've been through hell and back. Well, can't really call it hell if I never been to hell. I've been to heaven though. And it's very lovely. But to get there, and back was hell. And I miss my family so much. You have no idea. "You and me both Zuzu, you and me both", he said as he shook his head. He smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. I smiled softly at him. "Ready to go?", I asked him. He gave me a smile. "If it's with you, always", he told me. I rolled my eyes at him. Kiss ass. "Kiss ass", I muttered. He chuckled. "No thank you, I don't see you that way, your like the kid sister I never asked for", he told me as he smirked. I swatted his shoulder. "Hey! I happen to be the best sister in the world, according to my twins", I defended myself. He shook his head while chuckling. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Zuzu", he said.

We were about to start walking. But that's before I heard something. I turned around, and I happen to barely catch the flying dart that was coming my way. Really? I narrowed my eyes. And saw one of the idiots hiding in the bushes. I raised an eyebrow. 'Really?' I thought to myself. I rolled my eyes. Dumbass. I flicked my hand and the dart flew in the air and perfectly hit its target. Which happened to be the guys neck. And I smirked as he leaned forward and he slumped forward and fell onto the ground. Knocked out.

"Dumbass", I muttered. I smiled when I heard Eddie chuckle at what I said. But this time I didn't hear the second guy that was hiding in the trees. And I didn't hear the flying dart coming my way. But I did feel it. On the back of my neck. My eyes widened and I stopped walking. "Zuzu? Chloe? What's wrong?", Eddie asked as he turned to look at me. But I was speechless. I somehow couldn't speak. My tongue felt large in my mouth. And my legs went back to feeling like jelly. Damn it.

"Fuck", I muttered. But I'm pretty sure that's not what it sounded like. I fell to my knees. "Chloe!", I heard Eddie yell my name. I could barely feel his arms wrap around me. Seeing as I was starting to black out. Black spots took over my vision. And before I knew it, I was engulfed by darkness.


Damn it.

I can never catch a fucking break.

Eddie's POV

No. No. No. Damn it. I shook her as hard as I could without hurting her. But no matter how much I shook her, she didn't wake up. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. "Come on Zuzu, come on. Wake up, wake up, please", I muttered. But then I noticed the noticeable dart that was laying underneath her. Damn it. They tranquilized her. Fucking assholes! Stupid new technology! We could have totally used this shit back in the eighties man! Wait, no focus Eddie. I need to get her out of here before they come for the both of us.

But before I could get us out of here. More soldiers came. And they were pointing tranquilizer guns at us. Fuck me man. Really? "Don't worry about your little friend there. She's just taking a nap, she'll be fine", the man that was coming towards us. But I snarled at him. "Leave us alone!", I spat at him. But all he did was chuckle darkly. "Sorry I can't do that. I've been told to bring the both of you in, little Angel", he said. My eyes widened. How the hell did he know what I was?

"How-", He cut me off. "Your not the first Angel we've dealt with, and so if you want your friend to wake up and stay alive, you better come with us", the man said. But I wasn't gonna give up. I'm a angel for crying out loud! I'll never give up. Especially not on Chloe! She wouldn't want me to quit on her! And I won't! I laid her down on the ground softly. And I began my fight. I fought for me and for her. I fought with everything I had. I won't lose her like I lost Chrissy. Chloe deserves to live. I can help her. I couldn't help Chrissy. But I can help Chloe. And I will.

I fought my way through each and every soldier that came my way. Being an Angel kinda rocks man. I smirked as I fought. Dustin would totally get a total kick out of this. But seeing as I was too busy in my own thoughts. I didn't see the man behind me. And I didn't hear the dart coming towards me. Until it was too late. I groaned as I felt it hit the back of my shoulder. Fuck. Ow. It looks like it doesn't hurt. But it does.

And it didn't take long for the affects to hit me. My knees hit the ground with a big 'THUD!' I glared at the man that was coming my way. "You like our Angel Darts? We tested them out before we used them on you, and let me tell you, they are very successful", he told me as he bent down to be level with my face. "Nighty night little Angel", he whispered to me. I just glared at him. "Screw you", I spat in his face. But the next thing he did, was slam the butt of his tranquilizer gun across my face. And I was out like a light.

Damn it.

I'm sorry Zuzu.

I'm sorry I couldn't fight us out of this one.

I'm sorry.

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