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Chloe's POV

Ugh! My head. I've got a total headache coming on. And I'm not even a drinker. Totally not cool.

I slowly opened my eyes. Only to be welcome with darkness. Well, I wouldn't say complete darkness. There was a tiny bit of light. And seeing as I was half werewolf it wasn't that hard to see in the dark. But damn did my head hurt. But wait, where the hell am I? It looks like a room. With no windows. Oh great. I'm been kidnapped, and right after coming back. Isn't that amazing? Total sarcasm. I rolled my eyes.

I've been prisoned, yet again. Great. Just great. I turned my head. And I saw Eddie. Oh thank God above. He's alive. Yes, I've been told he can die. Seeing that he's on earth. He can die. But I have no idea where he would go if he did die. And I don't want to find out any time soon. But right now, he seems unconscious. I sighed. "Eddie, Eddie, wake up, hey Ed's, wake up!", I whispered. I whispered yelled the last part. And he woke up with a startle. His eyes widened from the shock of being woken up. "Huh? Where am I? Ow! Why does my head hurt so bad?", he was starting to freak out. I let him get it out of his system. And then he looked at me. He gasped in surprise. "Holy shit dude! I thought that was just a dream, I guess it wasn't", he said as he looked at me. I huffed and nodded. "Yeah, I wish it was a dream, we're stuck in hell, yeah I know. I've never been to hell. But sure as hell feels like it", I said. I was so irritated. Why can't I ever getting a fucking break?! I swear.

But then I noticed what's around my neck. that metal? Why would they put metal around my neck? Are they going stupid or something? I looked back at Eddie. Who looked at me. And then at my neck. His eyes widened and then he raised a eyebrow in confusion. 'Metal' I mouthed. It took him a few minutes to understand what I was trying to say. His eyes widened and he nodded. I nodded back. I clenched my arms towards me. And proceeded in grasping the chain that was connected to the chain that was around my neck. I grit my teeth and used some of my strength. Hmm., the chain broke into little tiny pieces of metal.



I did it!


I still got it!

When I got up, I stumbled a little from not moving them. But They quickly got back to normal. I ran over Eddie. "Come on rockstar, we got to go raise hell", I said while winking at him. He chuckled and shook his head at me. I giggled and grasped the chain that was around his neck and hands. I put a bit of pressure and pulled. And then with a quick snap, the metal broke from his neck and wrists. The meal chains hit the floor loudly. Damn. "Come on, it won't be too long before they notice we broke the chains", I told him. He nodded. I grabbed his hand, and we ran to the door. Which was also metal. I rolled my eyes and huffed. They really are stupid. I swear.

I turned back to Eddie. "The only way we're getting out is if I bust through this door. And when I do, it's gonna be kinda loud. So when I do bust through the door, get ready to run like the devil is on your ass", I told him. He couldn't help but laugh at how I worded it. And honestly I couldn't either. But back to being serious. I made sure he got back so I had enough room to kick this door down. I felt my eyes bleed it's normal golden color. I walked a few steps back. And I made a quick dash at the door.

I kicked it hard. And it made a really loud noise. The door flew off the hinges and hit the wall hard. Oops. "Now!", I yelled at him. He didn't reply. But he did start running. As did I. We have to get out of here. We have to. I can't let them capture me again. We started to run down the long hallways. I was kinda suspicious about no one being down this hallway. But if there was a chance at getting the hell out of here. I'm taking it.

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