The Talk

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Third person POV

Both Wanda and Natasha barged into the living room. They were surprised to find everyone in the room. It was a good thing. They didn't have to go looking for Everyone in the tower. But it was time for a stern talking to. Everyone was surprised at seeing them. But even more surprised on why they looked so angry with them. What had they done now?

"You have some damn nerve", Natasha spat at them. But they all looked confused now. "What have we done to upset you Natasha, Wanda?", Steve asked. Natasha raised an eyebrow at him. "Your the one to talk, Mr. high and mighty. You all say you care about her, that you love her. But you really don't, seeing as you don't even go see her! She's been here for how long? Don't give me it's because of Silver. I get Silver hasn't been the greatest to be around. But damn it, Stephen is right. Silver is a child! A child! You didn't treat Bucky like this when he came to the tower. I get that the both of them are a little different. But she is still Chloe, our Chloe! And yet. She feels as if you don't give a rats ass about her, she fucking loves your stupid asses! I have no idea why, but she does! But ever since someone called her and Silver a murderer, she feels like you all think the same. This wasn't her damn fault! She was controlled! She was brainwashed! She was beaten half to death! Those peoples deaths weren't on Chloe, they weren't on Silver either. They were on HYDRA! Neither of them wanted this. HYDRA made them do this. And now, from not only her parents and siblings neglectful ways, but from her soulmates, she feels as if she's gonna rot in that damn cage for the rest of her life. I get why we had to put her in there, but not going and seeing her, that just messed her up more then she already is. And Silver. All she ever wanted, was a chance, she's a child inside of a teenage girls body. Of course she's gonna be defensive with us, it wasn't exactly cupcakes and unicorns over there, I can't believe you guys", Natasha ranted on and on. She glared at them all. Well, besides the ones that actually went and visited her.

But for the rest.

She couldn't believe them.

"And don't give us 'oh ve love our daughter, ve're trying to help her' if you vere really helping her, you vouldn't have locked her away like an animal, never go and see her. She feels neglected by her own parents and siblings. She feels neglected by her soulmates. Chloe is not the same as she used to be. She died, she vent to fucking heaven, then came back, got kidnapped, got brainwashed and beat half to death for six months. Got told her soulmates vere dead. So yeah, she's going through some shit. She has nightmares every night. And you don't want to know what she dreams about. Even I can't stomach, imagine if you had to see the bodies of your dead soulmates lying on the floor and then getting up and closing in on you, she's been through hell and back. And vhen she does see her soulmates, they lock her up, just like they did. She gets vhy, but vhat she doesn't get, is the fact that none of you come to see her, she feels so alone right now, she scared, both of them are. And here you are now, sitting on your asses, talking amongst yourselves, yeah, great soulmates you are. Vhat happened to never changing how you see her! Huh?! Your all fucking liars! You lied to her! You say you love her, but do you really? Do you! I can't believe any of you, you neglectful assholes! All this because of vhat HYDRA made them do. Have you forgotten that me and Pietro had gone through similar things? Ve aren't that different from each other. But oh, but she's a verewolf, that makes her more dangerous, Chloe has never been dangerous to anyone in her fucking life! Vhat HYDRA made them do, is not on them! Can't you see that? Or do you all have your heads so far up your asses to see that?", Wanda ranted on and on. She was angry. Really, really angry. She couldn't believe them.

She shook her head at them.

"You already knew that she vas insecure about her being a verewolf in the first place, but this, this takes the cake, if she vasn't already insecure, you just made it worse", she spat at them. She turned her head away from them. She couldn't look at them. "We, we just wanted to keep her safe", Alexandra said softly. Wanda turned and glared at her. "No! You just wanted to protect yourself! None of you vanted to see her side of any of this, and now you get your vish. She von't talk to me about any of this, she says she doesn't vant to scare me. As if she could do that", Wanda spat at them again. She glared at everyone, and even her brother. She expected more from her brother. But he was just like everyone else.

She turned away from them again. "I'm gonna go back and check on her, I can't be here, I'm too angry", she told Natasha. Natasha nodded. "Go, I got it from here", she told her. Wanda nodded and turned to everyone else. She glared at every single one of them. She shook her head at them and turned and left.

Natasha glared at all of them.

She couldn't believe any of them.

T'Challa and Shuri couldn't believe what they were hearing. They had thought the others had taken time out of their day to go and see her. She was their soulmate for crying out loud. How could they do this to her? Especially her parents and siblings. It wasn't fair to her.

Eddie shook his head softly in disappointment. "I get why you guys were scared of her. I should know, I was there, but you weren't there. You didn't see what they put her through, you didn't see the nightmares that she went through. Every single day they would taunt her about you all being dead, That she couldn't save any of you. And one day, she just, gave up. I mean what was the point when your soulmates were dead, and you were kidnapped? She just gave up, and that's when Silver came around. At first. She was like she was now. She was a kid. They may have made her in there lab. But she was still a child. But they beat her, and made her into what she was. What they wanted her to be. A Solider. You think Silver wanted this, but she didn't, she didn't want any of this. They both were forced. But this, this really does take the cake. Every day she sits in that cage, it probably reminds her of the cage they put her in. The only thing that changes the fact that your not them, is that your not beating her half to death, someone's already accused her of being a murderer, all she's ever wanted, was to come home. Even when we were in heaven, all she's ever wanted, was to come home. And even then, her own soulmates didn't want a single thing to do with her", Eddie said. He was just as angry with them. But he also felt guilty it took him this long to visit her. But he was getting through his own shit too. His best friend had gone through so shit. And then now, her own soulmates, her own parents, her own siblings, don't even want to face her. It wasn't right. It wasn't at all right.

"But seeing as she's Chloe, and if you do go and see her, she's going to forgive you. Because she's Chloe. She doesn't hold onto grudges like everyone else does. All she's ever wanted, was your love. That's all she wanted. But she couldn't even have that, she's afraid, she's scared, and she feels abandoned by everyone she's loved in her life. She's going through her own personal hell. And it's because of you, I can't believe any of you. Some soulmates you are", Natasha spat at them. Her eyes full of fury and fire. She was angry. She was pissed. And she was hurt. Because she thought she knew these people. But she really didn't. They had hurt the one person she loved more then anything in this world. And it wasn't right.

She shook her head, and looked away from them. She couldn't stand looking at them. She just couldn't.

She turned and walked away. Out the door. And following the same path that Wanda had taken. Down to her soulmate. To cheer her up.

But she wasn't the only one to follow.

Stephen, Bruce, Peter and Eddie had followed behind her. They knew she was going to need some help cheering up. It was going to take some time, for all of this to blow over.

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