T'Challa & Shuri

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Third person POV (A few days later)

It was the day King T'Challa and Princess Shuri were coming over to help. Were any of them ready for them? Not really. It wasn't a bad thing. But they weren't sure how they would react to, well, silver. They knew about Chloe and they had thought she was dead too. Seeing as they told them she was. So, it was gonna be really complicated. But seeing as everything that's happened. Everything is pretty much complicated now a days.


Both Steve and Bucky were the ones to welcome them. Seeing as they knew them better then anyone else.

Both of them smiled at the royal siblings. "T'Challa, Shuri, it's really good to see you", Steve said as he went in for a handshake. T'Challa gave him a handshake, while Shuri gave him a fist pump. Bucky did the same. But he saw the fist pump coming with Shuri. Ever since they helped him. He's grew closer to the pair. "Now tell us, what was the urgent emergency that you told us about? You never told us anything besides that you guys needed our help", T'Challa said. He was all for helping them. But he was really confused on what they needed help on.

Both Steve and Bucky looked at each other. And then back at the siblings. "It's better if we show you", Bucky said. The siblings looked at each other in confusion. What was it that they couldn't say to them now? But they followed them nonetheless. They walked into the tower. The lady behind the desk got up and bowed. Even though she didn't need to. They walked into the elevator. "Welcome King T'Challa, Princess Shuri, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes, what floor would you like to go to?", Friday greeted them. "Hey Fri, floor 105 if you please", Steve said. Always the gentleman. Even if it was a A.I.

A total badass A.I. if you ask me.

It didn't take them too long to get to the floor. Seeing as the elevators at the tower weren't like ordinary elevators. But it wasn't too fast where your sinking into the floor. But fast enough where you literally had to wait only seconds. And when they got the floor. The doors opened. "Thanks again Fri, see you around", Steve said as he walked out of the elevator. The two siblings smiled. Always the gentleman. They walked down a long hallway. And they then turned and walked into a room that has see through windows.

And before they knew it. They saw the others. But what the siblings didn't expect was to see a cage. With a woman inside of it. Wearing a straight jacket? "Hey guys, they're here", Steve said. The others turned around. And let's just say. They looked like shit. Everything they've tried. Has failed. Yes, physical touch worked. But only for awhile. And then she turns back to silver. They didn't know what they were wrong. But maybe Shuri did.

And after a few seconds of looking at the woman inside the cage. Shuri knew exactly who she was. Her eyes widened. "Holy crap! That's the Princess from Genovia! What's she doing here, and why is she in a straight jacket?", Shuri asked. She turned to the others. But the others were confused, how do they know about her? There were never any photos of her on the internet. "And before you ask me how I know her, we used to be Pen Pals, of course I know who Chloe is, I was wondering why she stopped writing", she said. Alex and Arthur both looked at each other. "Yeah, you can say that, she's been through some rough shit", Arthur said. But Malina slapped him from behind the head. "Language Arthur!", she scolded her son. Arthur rubbed the back of his head. "Ow mum. I'm only telling the truth", he whined.

Shuri looked back at the Avengers and then back at the woman in the cage. "She's your soulmate, isn't she?", she said. They looked shocked that she knew. They never told her Chloe's name. Just that their soulmate had died. "Your very smart, you know that?", Stephen told her. Shuri just smirked. "One of my many charms", she said. T'Challa chuckled and rolled his eyes. "But why is she in the straight jacket?", T'Challa asked. But they didn't have to say anything. Because at this very moment. A guard had happened to walk into the cage. Food in one hand. He shakily set it down in front of her. But what freaked him out and almost made him fall over. Was when she leaned over and snapped at him. Her golden eyes and fangs on display. She growled and snapped at the man. The man almost pissed himself. And he booked it out of the cage the second he could.

"Holy shit. She never told me she was a werewolf. But why is she like this?", Shuri said with wide eyes. "You remember how we told you she died? Well, she was for a little while, until this doofus brought her back. But HYDRA happened to catch them and the same thing that happened to Bucky here, happened to her. But her other side. Seems a bit more stronger then we had thought. Chloe is able to come back for only a little while, but then Silver over powers her", Tony said. Eddie looked offended when Tony had called him a doofus. But all tony did was shoot him a look. Eddie rolled his eyes and pouted.

"Silver?", T'Challa asked. "Her other side has a name. Like mine, mine was the Winter Solider. But hers is the Silver Solider, but she seems to like to call herself silver for short", Bucky told them. "Do you think you can help her?", Peter asked them. His eyes were full of genuine hope. And all Shuri could do was smile softly at him. "I can try. I mean, I was able to help that one over there. I can try to help her", she told them. And that's all they can hope for. Because they needed their soulmate back. And their only hope was Shuri.

But T'Challa looked back at the woman in confusion. She was obviously beautiful. He can see that. Very, very beautiful. But the thing that confused him. Was the feeling that he knew her. But he had no idea who she was. His sister did. But never him. But he had that feeling that he knew her from somewhere. But he didn't.

Where did he know her from?

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