Come back to us

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Third person POV (Two and a half weeks later)

Christmas Day. They didn't really want to do anything. So they didn't. They just opened presents and went back to their room. They wanted to spend it with her. But they knew they couldn't. Not until they got her back. Which they will. They just have to come up with a plan. It was a very dark and gloomy Christmas Day.

New Years. No one even celebrated it. They could still remember the last one they spent with her. They were all together. Having fun. In love. They were all so happy. She was with them. And she was happy. But this year. She wasn't. So no one desired to celebrate or even look at the fireworks.

The coming into the new year. Was hard. Hard without her. But they will get her back if it's the last thing they do. Because they will bring her back. One way or another. They will bring their Chloe home. They will.



The freeway was a mess. Mess of cars on fire. People screaming. The sounds of bullets going every direction. It was horrific. And the people behind it.

Silver Solider and HYDRA Solider's.

The cause of it all.

Was to lure the Avengers out from hiding.

A smirk grew on Silver's lips. She was ready. She might not have been ready last time. But she was now. She'll get them this time. She won't let them get away this time. She won't.

And all she has to do is wait.

It'll take long for them to come.

Which made her happy. She was not a patient person.

She growled under her breath. Her mask right where it's supposed to be. She was ready to kick their asses and then kill them.

She watched as the Solider's she came with, go and try to fight them. But she knew better then to think that they had a chance against the Avengers. Only she did. But that didn't stop her from using her powers and combat. She fought anyone that came at her. Until she came upon Loki. Who looked like he really didn't want to fight her. He didn't want to, but he knew he had to do something. Maybe not fight. But block every hit she had for him. He had to get some sense into her. Or else they're fucked.

Loki moved back and forth. Side to side. Blocking every hit Silver was throwing at him. He knew it wasn't her. He knew that. But he knew that she was still in there. Somewhere in there. He just had to find her.

"My Queen. My love. I know your in there. I know you are. You just have to fight, I know you can, I know you", he tried reasoning with her. But all she did was growl at him. "Stop talking! I don't know you! So stop talking and let me kill you!", she yelled at him. But all he did was groan when he rolled out of the way. Silver growled in irritation. Damn it!

She went full force at him. Grabbing him by his collar. Her glowing gold eyes glaring at him. "Your dead", she whispered to him darkly. And she threw him in the air. And he flew far and high. And he did not have a nice or graceful landing. But thankfully the fall did not kill him. It hurt. But it didn't kill him. He groaned and rolled over. He pressed on the comm that was in his ear. "Can someone else try?", he asked as he groaned when he moved. His body hurt. She really is strong. He would usually be attracted to that sort of thing. But seeing as she's trying to kill him. He'll have to think about that later.

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