She's On Our Side

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Third person POV (A week later)

Ever since Stephen stopped for a visit. He didn't stop. He talked to both of them. He wasn't just there for Chloe. Silver was basically a child in a woman's body. She was scared. But she wasn't scared when Stephen was there to keep her company. They have formed some kind of bond. But not that kind. He looked after her, and she appreciated it. Because no one looked after anyone in HYDRA. He was her friend. He was nice to her. He brought her things, like books, and her food. Seeing as the guards that used to, were too afraid of her.

But seeing as the others were noticing that he wasn't just going in there to see Chloe. They've grown suspicious. So they approached him. Or more like cornered him.

He raised an eyebrow as he stopped in his tracks in the hallway. "What is this about?", he asked them. Clint crossed his arms over his chest. "What is your relationship with silver?", he demanded. Stephen rolled his eyes at him. "Silver is on our side now", he told them. Most of them scuffed. "She tried to kill us", Tony said. He still didn't like that Stephen had formed this weird bond with the girl that tried to kill them. Stephen rolled his eyes at Tony's words. "She's a child Tony. A child. She was made in a lab. She was just following orders. She's scared. Why do you think she fought everyone that came into that cage? She's so used to fighting to protect herself. We lock her up, just like they did. She doesn't know any better. Like I said, she's a child. But she doesn't seem as afraid when I visit her. She doesn't fight anymore. She doesn't want to hurt anyone, everything she's done, is because of HYDRA. Even Chloe agreed with me. She would know silver better then anyone. So she must know if she's genuine. You just have to give her a chance. I get that she tried to kill us, but, she's really lonely. She only had Chloe to talk to. Maybe if you actually talk to her, she'll warm up to you. You don't know what they did to her, she's been through hell. Both of them have. But being this way towards her, isn't gonna get you anywhere. Especially with Chloe. They have formed some kind of bond as well. So if you excuse me. I have someone visit", Stephen said. His voice got stern at the end of his conversation.

And he walked right past everyone.

Everyone looked at each other. "Should we? I mean if Chloe trusts her, maybe we should give her a chance", Peter Said. It took them a minute to agree. "I suppose, but we can't all approach her. It'll only spook her. Maybe one or two of us should go", Bruce said. They all agreed. And they all agreed that it would be Bruce and Peter. Seeing as the two of them were more approachable.

So it was settled, they were officially gonna meet silver. Hopefully it goes well.


(The next day)

Both Peter and Bruce approached the cage. They could already see that Stephen was there. He was sitting beside her. A book in hand. They couldn't tell which one. But it looked odd. But they continued walking until they got to the door of the cage. Stephen looked up and saw them. He looked at them for a second. And then back at Chloe/silver. He said something. But none of them could tell what he was saying.

He then looked back at them. And nodded at them. They opened the door to the cage and walked in. Now both of them were staring at Bruce and Peter. But Chloe/Silver was hiding behind Stephen's back. She looked hesitant. "It's okay Silver. It's okay. They won't hurt you. They're just here to say hello", Stephen comforted her. Silver hesitated before coming out of her hiding place. She looked at them and tilted her head to the side. Hmmm. They didn't look threatening, not like before. They almost looked.............welcoming, sort of? Maybe she should say something.

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