I'm Sorry

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(Warning! Blood! Blood! Blood! Claws! And attempted suicide, so if you aren't comfortable with that. Please don't read. Thank you!)

Third person POV

It wasn't supposed to be with this way. It wasn't supposed to happen, none of this was supposed to happen, and yet............it did. None of this was ever supposed to happen, but it did.

She wasn't supposed to have his blood on her hands, she never thought she would ever be able to hurt him. But she did. She hurt him, and she hated herself for it, they were all right, she was a monster, she didn't come out the same when she left HYDRA. She wasn't the same, she wasn't the old Chloe, and to be honest she doesn't think she'll ever be, the old Chloe died that same day she died. Something else came out of that god damn lab, she was a monster and everyone that ever told her that she was, was right. She was a monster, they wanted a monster, and that's what they got.

But let's start at the beginning, shall we?


Chloe's POV

Something's wrong, something's wrong, something is definitely wrong inside of me. I feel like I'm on edge, every second, every moment, I couldn't stop it, the hairs on my arms were standing up, as if my body knows something's going to happen. Something bad. And I was afraid that something was going to happen. I holed myself in the corner of the room, the room was white, I woke up here. It was like they were keeping me in another cage, but this one was different, it felt like the old cage, but bigger, and a lot more whiter. It was like those rooms that they have in the hospital, where they keep the crazies. Did they think that? Did they think I was crazy? This wasn't my fault! I didn't ask for them to basically blow my ear drums out! That was that asshole that decided it would be funny to have it on the highest level! God, I can still fucking hear it.

I huddled close into myself, my knees up to my chest. My arms wrapped around my knees, my body was still on edge and I don't know why. Even silver was being awfully quiet, and it scared me. I was alone in here, and I hated being alone, I didn't like it! I don't like being alone! I could feel my breath picking up, my heart racing, I could basically feel it trying to burst out of my damn chest. I don't know what's wrong with me, and they won't tell me why?! You would think that my father would be here to help me, or my brother or sister. But no! I'm alone, they all left me! They left me! It was as if they were afraid of me, as if they were afraid of what I've become. I could feel my eyes welling up with tears, why? Why? Why did I bother to come back? When this would be the outcome? I should have stayed in heaven, I don't care if it wasn't my time or not. It would have been a lot better there, then here. I clenched my eyes closed, were they just trying to act like they weren't afraid, when they came to visit me? And it was only half of them, they were afraid of me. And I never hated what I was, until now. I was a monster, I already knew that before, but I was worse now. Back then, they weren't afraid of being in the same room with me. But now? Nada.

I opened my eyes and I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. I looked down at my hands, I could feel my claws coming out of my fingers. I scuffed, why did I end up being what I was? All I do is hurt people. I have the scars on my face, I have the scars on my body, I have the mental scars, I'm broken. And they don't want me anymore, not even my family wants me anymore. My twins, my mom, my dad, even my soulmates didn't want anything to do with me. I'm nothing to them now, nothing but a monster. Even my father didn't want to be here with me, when he knows what's going on with me, he didn't want to bother with it. Because I wasn't his little girl anymore, his little girl was still in the ground, and out came a monster. They don't have to say it, I just know it. And it hurts like hell to know. If I ever get the hell out of this place, the first thing I'm gonna do, is get the hell out of this place. I'll go, I don't know where I'll go, but it won't be here. My soulmates didn't want me, so be it. I'll leave, it'll be like I was still dead. They can continue mourning over the one they loved. I don't know what the hell came out of that damn lab, but it wasn't her. She's still dead. I'm just a shell of her. And that's all I'll ever be.

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