I'm an Angel

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Third person POV

Eddie was pinned to the wall before he could say anything. "Who are you and how do you know my daughter?", Jackson growled in Eddie's face. Eddie raised his hands in surrender again. "Dude. You like have to calm down so I can tell you, you always did have a temper", Eddie said. But then he realized he has said too much. Jackson raised an eyebrow at him. "And how would you know that?", he growled in anger.

Eddie sighed. "You don't remember me do you? Of course not. All the so called freaks never get remembered. My name is Eddie Munson. Or Edward Munson if you would, either one", he said. He waited for Jackson to remember. I mean it was in the eighties. He might not remember. But then the look of remembrance was slapped on Jackson's face. "Eddie? But, but you died in the eighties, they accused you of killing Chrissy and then you died in the earthquake", Jackson stumbled over his words.

He wasn't really friends with Eddie back then in school. But he wasn't a dick like Jason. He said hello every once and a while to Eddie and the kids. The kids that were around his age now. While Eddie here didn't look like he aged a day. "Yeah that's the thing, there was some supernatural shit going around, a evil dude called Vecna, he killed people, Chrissy wasn't the only person he killed. There's a whole story and it's really complicated, and I didn't die in a earthquake, that's what Dustin told my uncle. He couldn't tell him the truth without making him seem crazy. I died in the upside down. Which is a place like ours, but much worse. In the upside down there are monsters that live there. Monsters without faces. They're called Demogorgons, and yes for some it's from a game called D&D, dungeons and dragons. It was a game. But they didn't know this game was based on these things. But they were. And we tried to go and finish all this before he could hurt anyone else. But I ended up dying and one of the little ones ended up hurt, really badly. It was a miracle that she lived. But yeah that's the whole shebang. I know you guys will believe me, because hell, your supernatural too", he told everyone. Wow, that was a lot.

And it was, a lot to take in.

"Then how are you alive?", stiles asked him. He stood beside Derek, Scott and Peter. Eddie chuckled. "That's the thing kid. I'm kinda not, I know that doesn't make sense. But I was sent down here to help Chloe, but seeing as what happened it didn't really work out", he said as he chuckled nervously. "Sent from where?", Steve asked sternly. Eddie made a face. "Well, its kinda hard to believe when I tell you. But seeing as you have gods in your group and all. Maybe it's kinda not. I Eddie Munson, am an Angel. Yes an Angel. Have been since the day I died", he said with a smug smile on his lips. He saw that it took a bit of time for them to really process all this.

"So your from heaven?", Alexandra asked him in curiosity. Eddie hmm'd. "Yepppp", he said while popping the P. "Then how did you know Chloe?", Malina asked. Eddie sighed. That was gonna be the hard part to explain. "Did she ever tell you about a friend named Eddie, I'm pretty sure she did", he asked. The family took a second to see if they remembered. But Arthur did. "Yes, I remember now. But I just thought he was a imaginary friend. You know after everything at the castle", he said.

"Yeah well, Sorta not a imaginary friend. More like Guardian Angel", Eddie said. And right after Eddie said that. Malina looked at him in shock. "You, your the one that brought her back after the fire, aren't you!", she said as she raised her voice. Everyone looked at her and then back at him. Eddie sighed. "Yes, yes I am. But of course that came with a price. Bringing back the dead always comes with a price. I brought her back and she was able to speak to the dead. But after bringing her back. I got in trouble with my boss. No, not the big guy in the sky. But the guy I work for under the Guardian Angel system. He didn't like that I brought her back. So I only had so long with her. A year at most. And then they told me I couldn't see her anymore. It broke my heart, having to leave her. Because I knew something was gonna happen, and I wouldn't be there. You have no idea how much I wanted to be there. I do. But it was impossible for me to go back. They forbid me from going. She's my best friend. And that's why I stuck with her this whole time. Because I knew, she would do the same for me", he told them. They all saw his eyes getting glassy. He wanted to cry. But it wouldn't seem cool if he did.

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