My Queen

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Third person POV (A few days later)

It's been a few days since Chloe/Silver moved into their new cage. It was much nicer then the last cage they were in. This one they had more privacy. They didn't have to worry about anyone walking in on them while they used the bathroom. But it was still a lot to take in.

Silver sighed. "I'm not gonna complain about the new cage. But it still sucks that we're lucked up like some lab rats", she told Chloe. She didn't like being locked up. She wanted to feel the breeze on her skin again. The wind in her hair. She felt a bit claustrophobic. She shouldn't. Because she's been in a damn cell her whole life. But still, she always had a mission to go on. To feel the breeze and wind again. But to be constantly be stuck in a cage like this. She hated it. It wasn't something she liked.

She flopped herself onto the bed. She sighed once more. 'I'm sure we'll be out before we know it, they're, they're just cautious more then others. Especially Fury. Even if the others wanted us out. I don't think he would allow that', Chloe told silver. Silver rolled her eyes. She had a deep disliking to this fury guy. He didn't seem too fun. More like a buzzkill then anything. "Yeah well, it seems like there's a giant branch up his ass, someone must have pissed in his cheerio's to be forever moody", silver said. She smiled when she heard Chloe laugh inside her head. It was nice having someone always around. Even if that someone was inside her head. Or it was more like she invaded Chloe's mind. But it didn't seem like she minded. Not anymore at least. 'What's the first thing you want to do when you get out of here?', Chloe asked her. Silver doubted that they would ever get out of here. But she would humor her. She hmm'd and thought for a second. "The first thing I want to do when I get out of here, Is feel the wind blowing through my hair, I miss fresh air", she told Chloe. She heard Chloe laugh inside her head again. 'Girl, don't even get me started on that. I miss the wind and the sun on my skin. I'm sure we'll be out in no time', she told silver. Silver doubted that. But she didn't say anything about it.

"What did she say?", a new voice echoed around the room. Silver nearly jumped in surprise when she heard the voice. She turned her head. And saw a raven haired man. He was handsome. She was suddenly attacked with the feeling of love. And maybe even a little bit of sadness. 'Loki', Chloe mumbled his name. The name seemed familiar to silver. But from where? After a minute, she realized where she had heard the name. Her eyes widened slightly. She turned to him again. "I know you. Or I've heard of you. Your Loki, the god of mischief, they spoke of you, you and about the other guy. I think they named him the Winter Solider", she said to him. The man stood by the door. He didn't wish to spook her. His lips were in a thin line. "They spoke of me?", he asked her. He knew why? But what did she know about it?

Silver nodded. "Yes, whenever I was in the infirmary, after a mission. They would often whisper, about a project. What was it? What was it? Oh yeah! I think it was called the baby project, I had no idea what they meant by that. They would never tell me anything about it. Only they would speak your name and his. And about the baby project. But that was it. They would never tell me anything about it", she told him. Loki mentally sighed in relief. That was good. That was good. He didn't want her to know what it was about. She really was a child in a teenagers body. "You don't have to worry about that anymore child, they will never harm you again. Your safe with us. And I know it might not feel like that, I know how it feels to be locked away in a cage. But I promise you, you won't be stuck here forever", he told her. Silver hesitated. She didn't know wether or not to believe him. 'Believe him, he may be the god of mischief and may like to others. But he would never lie to me, which means he would never lie to you', Chloe told her. Silver nodded softly. Okay then. Maybe she was going to get out of here.

She looked back at Loki. "My name is Silver. Not child. It's nice to meet you", she told him. She watched in somewhat amusement, as he chuckled. "You know, your a lot like her. I can see why the two of you get along so well. But it is nice to meet you as well Silver. I am sorry it took me so long to come see you. I had to...........gather my barings. It's not much of a excuse. And for that I am sorry. To the both of you", he told her. With her. Or both of them. He couldn't be the way he was with others. Because technically it was still Chloe. But someone was temporarily occupying her body. Silver smiled softly at the man or god in front of her. He was nice. "It's okay. I know it's takes time to get used to me being around. Some more-so then others. But I guess that's okay", she told him. She then felt the urgency in the body. Someone was being impatient to see the god. Silver smiled. The god must be Chloe's soulmate. She smiled at the god again. "Until we meet again", she said. And before Loki knew it. Silver eyes turned to bluish greenish.

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