Too Loud!

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Chloe's POV

It was like every other day, just doing whatever I could in my little cell, but at least it was better then the other cell where I had little to no privacy, now that was just creepy. Imagine going to the bathroom while there's cameras always on you, yeah, no thank you. This was better then that, but it still sucked that I was inside a freaking cell, I wasn't going to hurt anyone and neither was she, when are they going to trust us to be outside the cell? I've stopped counting the days that I've been in here. I miss the sun, I miss the breeze, I miss being around people, I miss them, I miss Eddie, I just miss everyone, and it sucked that I couldn't go and visit them on my own, I mean I had to wait for them to come to me. I was so lonely, I mean I had silver, but even then we got lonely and bored. We had books that we could memorize because of how many times we've read them, and Stephen only comes so many times with books, sometimes I hate being a fast reader. I don't have a phone, I don't have a tv, I don't even have a freaking clock, how the hell am I supposed to tell what time it is? I'm sick and tired of being treated like a freaking prisoner! It wasn't my fault! It wasn't either of our faults! It was HYDRA! And they're treating us like we're the ones that came up with all of it. We didn't want to do it, we just wanted to be left alone, I just wanted to come home. And yet, here I am, home, but inside a freaking cell. I miss my bed, I miss regular food, I miss cuddling up with my soulmates. But even then, they only come so often because they're so busy, even my parents and siblings don't come and see me. That's pretty fucked up if you ask me. I didn't ask for any of this! I didn't ask to die and then come back and get kidnapped by freaking HYDRA! I just wanted to come home to my family.

I didn't even know I was crying until silver pointed it out. "Hey, it's okay, it's okay, we're going to get out of here. I promise. I know it sucks being in here, I know, but it'll be over before we know it", I wanted to believe her, but look how long we've been in here, it could be days, weeks, months, and I wouldn't even know. I don't have a clock, so I don't even know if it's day or night. I hated this! I hated all of this! I sighed angrily and threw a book at the wall, and then another, and then another. I could feel my eyes burning a dark yellow. I just wanted to come home! I just wanted to be with my family! But my parents don't even want to see me! My own twins don't want to see me! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! "Hey you! Stop that!", I turned my head and saw one of the guards at my door, I could only see his face peeking through the window. I growled and sneered at him, I threw a book at the window, making him jump. "Screw you asshole!", I sneered angrily. I know this wasn't making anything better, but I was angry, I was mad, and I felt alone. I wanted my soulmates. I just wanted to be in their arms and I can't even do that! "Chloe stop! This isn't making anything better! They're not gonna trust us if we lash out!", I angrily bared my fangs at the guard. "They will never trust us! We are never getting out of here! I just wanted to come home! I never wanted this! I never asked to be put in a fucking cell!", I could feel myself shifting, my wolf was coming out, my anger must have woken her up, she was going off based off my anger. But before we could do anything else, I cried out, there was a loud ringing inside my ears. I fell to my knees and put my hands over my ears. It's too loud! It's too loud! Stop it! Stop it! But it only got louder! I cried out louder and louder. Hoping someone would stop it. I fell onto my back, my hands over my ears, my back arched with pain, it was hurting, it was so painful, my sensitive ears couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I screamed as loudly as I could. Everything was so blurry, I couldn't see, every time I moved I could feel the friction of the sound echoing off of my bones and it hurt. It hurt so much! I clenched my eyes closed tightly.

Third person POV

The guard behind the door could only smirk as he saw the girl wither in pain, she was a monster, she deserved this. But he knew sooner or later the others would notice. But he just didn't know that they would notice sooner then he thought.

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