Baby Girl

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Third person POV (The next day)

Tony couldn't believe this, he couldn't believe it. They were right. He was a horrible soulmate. Not for a second had he thought to go see her. And yet he spent all that time mourning her when he thought she was dead. All he could think of was when she was dead. Maybe it's a excuse not to go see her. But whenever he does look at her. He can only see her dying in his arms. But that's just a excuse. She was still here. She was. But he couldn't get over the fact that someone else was in her body or well her head. He didn't even think about how she was feeling. How neglected she felt.

He felt horrible. She was still here. His baby girl was still here. And it should have been enough for him. But for the past time, it hadn't been. But that ends now. He was putting his baby girl through so much. And she hadn't done anything wrong. She hadn't. Everything she's been through, was because of HYDRA.

'There goes my heart beating
'Cause you are the reason
I'm losing my sleep
Please come back now'

It all ends today. He knew she wasn't going to be happy with him. But he's gonna make it up to her. Because he loved her. He may not show that he does. But he does love her. He really does.

'I'm coming baby girl, I'm coming', he thought to himself. He sped walked through the hall. His mission was to get to her. To his love. To his baby girl. His everything. He spent a year, a damn year thinking she was dead. And he felt like a asshole, he was too scared of Silver to even think about going to see her. And he couldn't believe himself. No more. He was Ironman. But with her, he was Tony Stark. Her Tony Stark. He wasn't Ironman to her. He was just a man. The man she loved. And he was gonna be that man again.

He stopped for a second. He could see her through the glass. He could feel his heart drop a little bit. She looked so sad, so lonely. He sighed. "I'm sorry baby girl. I'm so sorry", he whispered. He walked into the room. She didn't even notice that he was in the room until he was standing right in front of the cage. She turned around and gasped in shock. He slowly made his way into the glass cage. She started backing up. "Baby girl", he whispered softly. She shook her head. "Stay away from us, stay back. I won't let you hurt us", she told him. She sounded scared. He took a quick glance at her eyes. They weren't Chloe's beautiful gems. They were different.


"Silver", he muttered softly. He didn't try to get any closer. He knew she was afraid of him right now. He didn't want to frighten her anymore then he already had.

'And there goes my mind racing
And you are the reason
That I'm still breathing
I'm hopeless now'

He sighed and stayed in place. "I know I'm not the best person to talk to right now, but I promise, there will be no harm done to you. I swear it to you", he told her. Silver narrowed her eyes at him. Suspicious. She didn't know if she could trust him. "How can I know to trust you?", she whispered. Tony sighed again. "You don't. But Chloe does, or well, she used to", he said softly. It took a few seconds before she replied. "She still does", she muttered. Tony felt his heart feel warm. She still trusted him. Even after what he had done to her.

He ran a hand through his hair. "I know I'm the last person you want to talk to and all. But I'm here to say I'm sorry. To both of you. I know I'm pretty shitty at speaking my feelings and all. Trust me, I've had trust issues ever since my parents died. But that doesn't give me any excuses. I should have known better. I should have seen the signs. Stephen and the others were right. Your just a kid and you shouldn't have to be stuck in a damn cage, I know what you did wasn't your fault, it was HYDRA. And I've had my own issues with HYDRA. I know the others might have told you it was your fault. But I understand now, and I should have never judged you for what they made you do. It wasn't right. I know how it feels to be called a murderer. Back when I first started Ironman. I was judged for what I did. Some people called me a murderer. And believe me, it's not the best feeling in the world, I'm sorry, I am so sorry Silver. I may act and look like an ass, but that's just my cover story", he told her. He took a deep breath after all that. It was a lot. But he needed to tell her the truth.

'I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason'

What he didn't expect was the fact that he felt arms wrap around him. He stiffened up. "I forgive you. Chloe says your a good man. Misunderstood, but a good man. I think we can get past things, a day at a time", silver said softly. It took Tony a few seconds to Soften up. But he did after awhile. He slowly wrapped his arms around her. He placed his head on top of her head. Bringing her closer to him. It felt weird. It felt like he was holding his baby girl. But it wasn't her. It was silver. But she was still there. She was still there with him. She was still in there somewhere. "Thank you", he whispered to her. He knew it was going to take awhile for everyone to get used to her. But he thought with time, that they could all get along with her. For Chloe.

'I don't wanna fight no more
I don't wanna hide no more
I don't wanna cry no more
Come back I need you to hold me (you are the reason)
Be a little closer now
Just a little closer now
Come a little closer
I need you to hold me tonight'

He held her for a few minutes. Until he noticed something. She was moving in his arms. "Tones", he heard her whisper his nickname. He pulled back slowly. And looked down at her. It wasn't silvers eyes. It was hers. It was his baby girls eyes. She wasn't silver. She was Chloe. She was back. He could feel the tears in his eyes. He moved some of the hair out of her face. He cupped her cheeks. "Chloe, baby girl?", he whispered. He saw a smile appear on her lips. "It's me tones. It's me, I'm right here", she said to him softly. He felt all warm inside. His baby girl was right in front of him. She was here. With him. He couldn't help but place his lips on hers for a quick peck. He was so damn happy. Happy that he got to be with her. He slowly pulled back. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry baby girl. There is no excuse in the world that could excuse what I did. I should have been by your side the whole time", he told her. He felt her cup his cheeks. "It's okay tones. It's okay. I know it's gonna take awhile for everyone to get used to this. And that's okay. I'm just happy to be with you", she whispered to him. Damn it. She was too good to him. He fully expected for her to lash out at him. But she didn't. He loved her so damn much. So so much.

"I love you", he whispered to her as he pressed his lips to her forehead. Chloe smiled softly and closed her eyes in content. "And I love you", she whispered back to him. She loved him. She loved him. He didn't deserve her love. And yet she still loved him. He didn't deserve her. But she was here. With him. Loving him. When he didn't deserve it. His baby girl. He loved her so much. So damn much.

'I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
'Cause I need you to see
That you are the reason'

He was going to spend the rest of his life telling her he loved her. He was. It wouldn't be a chore. But a choice. Because he loved her with all his heart. He was hers. And she was his. And he loved her. And he was going to make it up to her. For what he did. He was. He was gonna make up for not being there for her when she needed him the most.

He was going to be there.

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