Mission........gone wrong.

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Eddie's POV (Two days later)

The whole time. The whole time we were on our way, she was quiet. And that's what scared me. Because Chloe was always talking or making noise. Because that's how Chloe was. But this Chloe. I don't like her. She's scares me. Just with one look and I feel like wetting my pants. She's that scary man. I shouldn't have to be scared of my own best friend. But I am. I only hope when we do get there. There's a chance that they can bring the old Chloe back. Hopefully. Or we're all screwed.

I took a risk and took a glance at her. I nearly jumped and yelped when I saw her eyes turn from the road and towards me. But I made sure I didn't look like I was about to piss myself. I didn't want to give myself away. But those eyes. Those eyes are so chilling. God. I felt a shiver run down my spine. But I ignored it. I have to act like her. Even though I'm not. I'm not like her. And she won't be like her soon. Or so I hope. I need my best friend back.

Please. For the love of god and everything holy. Please make sure this goes right. Please.

Third person POV


The both of them got out. They had to walk. Seeing as they had parked three blocks away. They wanted this to be a surprise attack. Silver Solider turned to look at Eddie. With a mean glare. She looked even scarier without her mask on. The scars only made her look tougher and scarier. "Don't distract me, and I'll try not to kill you", she spat at him. She then clicked his mask over her face. She hardly ever took it off. She didn't like when anyone could see her whole face.

But Eddie just stood there for a second. Okay then. He was very, very scared now. But his fear of her didn't stop him from following after her. He may be taller then her. But she's gotten much faster since they got to HYDRA. But he can only pray that this went well. And that the avengers would figure this out. Or hell was gonna hit them all. Hard.

What they didn't know was the fact that HYDRA had sent HYDRA agents with them. Just in case they fucked up this mission.


The Tower was filled tonight. Not only the Avengers, Jackson, the twins, or Malina were there. But also Derek, Stiles, Scott, Dimitri, And Peter. Oh and also happy. The avengers thought this was a pity visit. To make them come out of their room. But it worked. They were out and about. But none of them seemed to want to be out and about.

And everyone can see it.

But they were trying to make it fun for everyone. Seeing as tonight was Christmas Eve. But in reality, no one wanted to party. Because it only reminded them that she wasn't here to celebrate it with them.


'Layin' in the bed that I made all alone
Guess I'm not surprised, honestly
Praying in my head that you stayed, and I hope
You'll miss me eventually'

They walked right through the front doors. Not caring that a alarm was set off. Chloe threw a dagger at the alarm and it was immediately shut off. The lady behind the front desk squealed in fear and hid under the desk. But the guards came at the full force. But Chloe just smirked and hit them with half of her force. Which to them seemed like full force and more. And once every single guard was on the floor. Either dead or unconscious, and stood over their bodies. Not even a glint of guilt in her eyes. Just fire. A dark smirk grazed her lips.

And all Eddie could do was shiver. 'Damn' he thought to himself.

She scared the hell out of him. And he didn't get scared very often. But damn.

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