Hold My Girl

275 11 3

Third person POV

Silver was writing in her little notebook when he came in. She didn't really expect him to come visit her. But lately, everyone's been coming to visit her, one by one. It was kinda nice. She gets lonely often and it sucked when it was just the two of them. Not that she doesn't appreciate Chloe being there with her. But it was a surprise when he came in the cell with her. She looked up at the man in front of her. He was a tall man, with long hair and long facial hair. Weirdly, it worked for him. It only took her a few seconds to figure out who he was. Chloe didn't need to tell her who it was. He was the Winter Solider. He was like her. Somewhat like her.

"Your like me, aren't you", she told him. Bucky sighed and nodded. Not much of a talker, now is he. 'He isn't much of a talker. He mostly talks through affection. It's nice,' Chloe said through the link. Hmm. He didn't seem so bad. He looked nice even. So she got up and walked over to him. "Hi, you probably already know who I am. But I'm Silver, it's nice to meet you, officially", she told him. She waited for him to shake her hand. But what surprised her, was that he wrapped his arms around her.

It took her a second to really understand what was happening. But slowly she wrapped her arms around him. "I know how it feels. I know how it feels to go through the pain you suffered. I'm sorry for what they did to you. You didn't deserve it. No one should go through any of what happened to you", he whispered to her softly. Silver felt sadness run through her. It was her feelings and Chloe's. Chloe hated that Bucky had to go through so much pain. For as long as he had. All she's ever wanted was to wrap him up in all the warm blankets they had and snuggle for the rest of their days. Silver then felt run through her. That was Chloe alright. Because Chloe loved Bucky, so much. And seeing the man she loved in pain, hurt her worse then any pain she's ever been through. Her Bucky never should have been through what he had been through. But if he hadn't, they probably wouldn't have met. I guess things happen for a reason.

Silver pulled back from the hug. "You didn't either, no one should have to go through the pain we went through, it wasn't fair to either of us. I guess the saying whatever doesn't kill us, makes us stronger?", she told him.

And that got her a chuckle from said man. It's been a while since he's chuckled like that. Not since she died. It kinda felt good to chuckle again. He set a hand on her shoulder. "I guess your not so bad kid, I'm Bucky", he told her. He saw her smirk at him. "Oh I know, she talks about you a lot", she told him. And that got her a smirk back. "Oh does she, all good things I hope", he teased her. But Silver just shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, but there are times when she says she misses you. But she understands why she can't see you", Silver told him the truth. Chloe didn't want her to tell him the truth. Because she knew it would make him feel guilty. But she knew that he deserved the truth.

And by the look that he had on his face, he looked like he was in pain and that he was guilty. Silver knew it was time to give Chloe the body back. Switching between the two of them have gotten better. But sometimes it was a pain in the ass.

And soon, her eyes changed from silver to bluish green. Eyes that weld up with tears. "Buck", she whispered. Bucky looked up at her. Instead of seeing silver eyes. He saw the eyes of his beloved. His hands twitched to hold her. But he was afraid that he would hurt her. "Darlin'", he said softly. Chloe couldn't stand a minute where she wasn't in his arms. She desperately wanted to be in his arms. To feel his warmth. To smell his scent. So she quickly ran into his arms. Wrapping her arms around his waist. She inhaled his scent. His familiar scent. Oh it's been so long. She felt his warmth. It felt so refreshing to feel him. "Bubba", she cried softly into his neck. And when she didn't feel him wrap his arms around her. She thought only the worse. "Please, please don't be afraid of me. Please, I won't hurt you. Please, touch me", she cried even more. She wanted his touch. She wanted to feel his hands touch her. In any way. Just to feel him.

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