How could you?

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Chloe's POV

The next time I woke up. I got that same fucking headache. God. That fucking hurt like a bitch. I groaned and moaned. Ow. It took a few minutes to actually be able to open my eyes. And when I did. There was light. Which did not help the growing headache I had. I moaned again in pain. "Ow", I moaned in Pain. That fucking smarts.

I was soon able to open my eyes again. But when I was fully awake, I noticed something. I noticed my whole body felt weird. My heart felt hollow. Huh? What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I hollow? Even my wolf was suspiciously quiet. Usually when we're in trouble she's rowdy, but she's not. Which worries me. What the hell happened? But then I noticed I had something around my neck and wrists again. Maybe it was metal again. I tried breaking the chains that were around my neck and wrists. But it was no use. What the hell? What kind of metal is this? It's no metal I've ever seen. Huh. Weird. How the hell am I gonna get out?

I sighed and leaned my head back. I looked at my wrists again. From all the tugging. I broke skin. Ouch. But that wasn't the only thing that was there. My eyes widened. And filled with tears. No. No. No. No. I tugged harder and harder. This has to be a dream. This has to be a dream. This fucking has to be a dream! It has to Be!

They can't be dead! They can't be dead!

I have to be dreaming! I have to be!

I cried out.

I have to get out of here. I have to see for myself. I have to! They can't be dead until I know for sure. It can't be true!

"Chloe, please. Calm down", I heard Eddie beside me. I turned towards him. He was looking at me. With sad puppy dog eyes. "Ed's? Why are you in my dreams?", I asked him. Because this had to be a dream. It has to be. It just had to be. They couldn't be dead. They can't be. But he just continued looking at me with those sad puppy dog eyes. "That's the thing. Your not dreaming. It's all real. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't want this to happen", he told me.

It took me more then a minute to have his words wash over me.

And when I did. I didn't take it well.

I started crying. Sobbing. Yelling. All the fucking above. I did.

My soulmates.

Were dead.

They were dead.

And I was here.

They were dead.

And I was here. 

I'm never gonna see them again.

I'm stuck here.

And I'm never gonna see them again.

I tugged harder and harder.

I cried and sobbed harder.

They were gone. I was stuck here. And I was never gonna see them again.

"Calm down. Your gonna hurt yourself", well I guess that wasn't a dream either. I turned my head to look at him. I glared at him with my golden eyes. "Fuck you", I hissed at him. My own father. Betrayed me. Betrayed my mother. Betrayed my father. How great is that? Fucking awesome. He faked his own death. He lied. He fucking lied to me! He said he would always be here! And he fucking lied to me!

He ignored my cursing at him. And bent down to my height. He grabbed my wrists and began to wrap them with a weird wrap. What the fuck is he doing to my wrists? "What the fuck are you doing to me?", I hissed at him again. "I'm wrapping your wrists so they don't get infected", he told me simply. I huffed and glared at him. "I hate you", I spat at him. He looked ip from wrapping my wrists and looked at me. "No you don't", he told me before looking down at my wrists.

I huffed and let out a dry laugh. "Oh you don't think so? You not only faked your death, lied to me, mom, and dad. But your also helping the people that kidnapped me, and eddie, and killed my soulmates. So yeah, I have a reason to hate you. You were supposed to be my father. And you took my love for granted. You lied to me. So when I saw I hate you, I mean it!", I yelled at him. I moved away when he was finished. I didn't want anything to do with this asshole.

I glared at him. "How could you? How could you lie to mama and papa? I thought you loved them? They think your dead for fucks sake! How could you do that to them! They loved you!", I yelled in his face. I watched as he looked up, I looked at what he was looking at. Camera. He was looking at the damn camera. Why? He then looked back at me. "The camera doesn't have sound. I have no choice in this. They found me. I had to fake my death in order for them not to find you. But I guess that didn't really work out. Also, if I don't comply with them, they will kill you. I never meant to leave the three of you. I'm trying to protect you. I'm sorry about your soulmates, but there's nothing I can do about that", he told me.

Lies. More lies.



Fucking lier!

"Go to hell, the dad I knew, would never lie to me, nor work with the people that kidnapped mama in the first place. So go fuck your self", I spat in his face angrily. I glared at him. But he only sighed and got to his feet. "You don't have to believe me. But I am doing this to keep you safe", he told me. I huffed. "Like I said, go to hell", I spat at him again. I turned my head so I wouldn't have to look at him anymore. I was done looking at me. I wanted to mourn on my own. I didn't want him here.

I couldn't believe a word he said. I couldn't.

He's already lied about him being dead. About mama and papa.

So I can't trust him.

The dad I knew is long gone.

I didn't even turn my head when I heard his footsteps leaving the room.

I looked back at Eddie. I was filled with sadness again. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got you into this", I told him. But he just gave me a sad smile. "There's no other place I would rather be then here, I'll always be by your side Zuzu, not even those assholes out there can take me away from you", he told me. I sniffled and smiled sadly. "Love you too Ed's", I whispered.

I sighed and leaned my head back. My eyes widened again. Thinking about my mates. They were gone. And I'm never again see them again. Just when I thought I could have gotten out of here and finding them again. Now that I know this isn't a dream. I'm in hell. Hell on earth. My mates were dead. And HYDRA has me in their grasp. What's the point in trying. Maybe they will kill me. And this time I won't have to leave heaven. Because they'll be there when I get there. I smiled sadly at the thought. Yeah. Maybe they will kill me and I'll be with them again.


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