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Third person POV


"You worthless piece of trash! I should have killed your ages ago! But I didn't, and that was my mistake, you couldn't even complete a simple mission. You foolish Girl. You let The dark Angel get away, your worthless! Your nothing! Nothing you hear me?! But I'm gonna be nice and let you have a second chance, but if you don't complete it this time, oh you'll wish you were never born, but first", The same scientist said as he kicked Silver in the stomach and in the ribs. She groaned and clenched her eyes closed at the pain. So much pain. Shivers of pain ran through her entire body.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry", she ranted on and on. She just wanted the pain to end. She didn't mean to fail the mission. She didn't! It was their fault! Not hers! But of course they would see it as her fault. And she will take 100% responsibility for it. Next time she won't mess up. Or if she does, her life will be on the line.

'A broken heart is all that's left
I'm still fixing all the cracks
Lost a couple of pieces when
I carried it, carried it, carried it home'


She squealed in pain as she felt a hand twist her hair. She grit her teeth in pain as she felt the person dragging her by her hair. To who knows where. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. All she felt was pain. Every part of her body was in pain. And she hated it. But she deserved it. She deserved all of this. She failed. And this is her punishment. Even though it hurt like hell.

She almost let out a sigh of relief when the hand was taken from her sore scalp. Most likely bleeding due to how rough they were. But the second of relief was soon over. When she was dragged onto the familiar contraption. Her heart beat In fear. But she didn't show that it scared her. She wouldn't let them see her scared. But she couldn't help but look at the scientist. "They acted like they knew me, they called me by a name I do not know, why?", she asked. And she should have known not to ask questions. She should have known better then that. But she was foolish. Very, very foolish.

The scientist tsked. "No need for questions my dear. After you take your 'medicine' you won't even remember the questions you wanted to ask", he told her. He softly patted her head. She almost flinched at the touch. Still not used to it and also because her scalp was still sore from being tugged on.

One of the men had them shoved a mouth guard into her mouth. Harshly. She nearly gagged at how sudden it was. She glared at the man. But he only shot her a smirk. Bastard. If only she could get her hands on him. Then she'll be the one smirking.

'I'm afraid of all I am
My mind feels like a foreign land
Silence ringing inside my head
Please carry me, carry me, carry me home'

But that's when they forced her to feel the same pain she's been feeling for months. She screamed. Loudly behind the mouth guard. Her eyes widened in fear. Her whole body was alight with pain. Her veins roaring from the pain she was enduring. Her heart was pounding against her chest. She couldn't even think with all the pain she was feeling.


Was a feeling.

One she tried to snuff out.

But even with how strong she was.

She couldn't take the pain from her body. Or the selected few feelings she felt. Pain will always be with her.

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