I can save her

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Eddie's POV



Forgive me.

I'm sorry.

I can't save you.

I can't save her.

I'm useless.

A tear rolled down my cheek.

I'm sorry.

For months on end, I've had to listen to her screams. It's torture. Hearing her screams echo the walls. I have no idea how long I've been in here. But they think I've grown cold and hard. Just like her. I try to. But they never let me in the same room as her. But the good thing is, they don't send me on missions. They don't send me to kill people. But I feel terrible. Because I know her, I know Chloe, and once she gets back to herself, she'll felt horrible about what she's done. But it isn't her fault. They've brainwashed her. They turned her into a monster. Which wasn't her fault. From what I've heard, it took them months to break her.

She was strong.

Until she couldn't be.

Chloe. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

'Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence'

Another tears escaped, and another after that one. And before I knew it, they couldn't stop. And after those, the sobs escaped my lips. I couldn't control them. I clenched my eyes closed, remembering the sound of her screams against the walls. She must have went through so much. First finding out her soulmates were killed. And then be tortured. She went through so much. And still held on for months. They weren't able to break her. For months. That was Chloe. She didn't break easily. But she did. They broke her. They broke her. And I couldn't do a thing about it.

Because I'm in this damn room. With this damn collar around my neck. Which keeps me from using my powers. I can't do a damn thing. If I didn't have this damn thing around my neck, I would be able to get out of here, kick everyone's ass, and try to get Chloe back to normal again. I know for one, she wasn't the same Chloe. They've shut down all her Emotions, all her feelings. She was their puppet. And if I had my powers. I would help her. But I can't. I can't help her. And I want to help her, so much. With everything in me. I want to help her. She's my best friend.

But I'm useless without my powers.

God. I'm so useless.

Man. Dustin, if only you were here. You probably would have been able to think of something. The little nerd was a man now. Probably had a family that loved him. Probably forgot all about me. I miss him though. The kid grew on me. Just like Chloe did. That's why I can't give up. I can't give up on her! I love her! She's my best friend damn it! I can't give up on her! I won't!

I stood up on my feet and tried to claw at the collar around my neck. I clawed until I felt my fingers start to throb and bleed slightly. Damn it! I grit my teeth. Fuck! I hate this stupid thing!

"Stupid! Fucking! Thing! Ugh!", I yelled in anger and irritation. I fucking hate this thing! It's keeping me from my friend. I can't save her if I have this damn thing around my neck. Ugh!

'In restless dreams, I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence'

I growled under my breath when I noticed I couldn't get the damn thing off of my neck. I yelled in irritation. And in my anger, I punched the wall. Which probably wasn't the best thing I should have done. I cursed under my breath when I felt the throbbing of my knuckles. "Fuck! Ouch! Damn it!", I cursed under my breath angrily. I hate this. I hate this room. I hate this collar. I hate this place. I hate those assholes out there. I hate how their hurting my friend. I hate everything about this stupid situation. I hate everything.

I started to pace. Think, think damn it. Think Eddie! You were once a nerd, well, I wouldn't say nerd. But you aren't stupid. You have to think of something, you can't just sit on your ass while your friend out there is suffering. Think!

Wait a second, didn't they say they had something better for me? Like a certain mission they wanted me on? They never wanted me on the same missions as her, but they did say they had better things for me. But what did they mean by that? Are they gonna let me out of this hell hole any time soon? I think they are. But when? I need to get out of here, so I can help Chloe. I need to help her. So I can get me and her out of here. I need to.

'And in the naked light, I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never shared
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence'

I continued to pace. Man, this shit is totally out of my league. But it's not like I can just poof out of here. And even if I could, I wouldn't leave her. I can't. And I won't. I won't leave her. She wouldn't leave me if it were me out there. So I'm not leaving even if I had the chance. I'm staying here, and when I do get out of here, I'm kicking total ass. I'm gonna make them pay for what they did to me, and what they did to her.

And yes, I did make them believe that I'm supposedly 'Numb' like her. Whatever that means. I've grown to be quite the actor. I've fooled them. Then they'll trust me to be out in the open. And if I can get out in the open. I can get the both of us out here. I grinned. I'm a genius. Whoever said I wasn't, can eat it. Because I am a total genius.

I sat back down on the floor. And leaned against the wall. I sighed. But what I want to know, is how long they're gonna keep me stuck in here? How long are they gonna keep me in this hell hole of a cell? I want out. I want out damn it! And I want my friend! And I will rescue her! If it's the last thing I do! I will get out of here, and I will save her! And I will kick every last one of their asses. I will. After I get this stupid thing off of my neck. Then I will.

But for now, I will sit here. And think of what I'm gonna do. I have to think of a actual plan. Not just go in there and do whatever comes to mind. That'll just get me killed. Again.

But what kind of plan can I think of?

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