I Should Have Stayed Dead

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(I know there's a lot going on right now. Especially with Chloe and the others, and yes, T'Challa found out, I mean, it's about time he found out, right? And I know, things are a little dark right now. And it ain't going to get any lighter from here on out. It's only going to get worse, so please, brace yourselves. There will probably be a lot of blood and cursing and other things I can't think of right now. I wanted to make this story different then the original, I wanted interesting, sad, spontaneous. Well, probably not spontaneous, my writing is not that good. But this will be your warning, blood, blood, blood🩸)


But then he froze when he heard the shakiness in Shuri's voice.

"Is that blood?",


Third person POV (A few minutes ago)

Shuri didn't know why she turned her head to look at the cameras, which were trained on Chloe's...................cage. She still didn't like that they keeping her in a cage, it wasn't right, half these people know what it's like to be put in a cage, and they hated it, and yet, they put their soulmate in one? She didn't understand any of this. How could she? There was no way or how she was ever going to understand any explanation behind putting her in a cage. She was seconds from now, to going and getting her out of there. It wasn't right, it wasn't right at all. It wasn't humane, despite the fact that she wasn't human. But still, you get her point, right? Exactly. But it was nice to see Thor blowing up at them, finally! Someone speaks their god damn mind around here! She knew half of them didn't like having her in the cage, but the other half, hmmm, sure, they say they care about her, really shows. (Sarcasm). And yet, they put her in another damn cage, it wasn't right. It just wasn't. Even she knew her people would accept Chloe for what she was, because they didn't have a half of a brain like these idiots do.

She could only shake her head as she watched the idiots try and argue with Thor about taking her away. Now they want to talk? Really? After distancing themselves, allowing people to hurt her, beat her, call her names. Oh yes, she's seen the videos, and she was not happy. Not at all. These idiots really let other people hurt her, they were no better then fucking HYDRA, Because she knew they beat her, and tortured her, and made her go crazy in the head until she wasn't in the right mind set. And now, her so called soulmates let other people put their hands on her, call her names, how can they call her their soulmate, when they let others do this to her? The audacity! But then she saw something on the corner of her eye, she scrunched her eyebrows together when she saw red. What is that? She turned her head fully to the side, where the cameras were, and to say her heart skipped a beat in that second. She felt cold and numbness hit her straight in that second. "Is that blood?", she could hear the shakiness in her voice, she didn't want to believe what she's seeing, because there was a lot of fucking red, and if it was blood, she didn't know what she would do.


As soon as those words escaped Shuri's lips, everyone stopped. Thor and Loki turned to look at the camera, as well as Stephen, Bucky, Wanda, Natasha, Dimitri, and Sam. Everyone's eyes were wide when they what was on the camera, there was a lot of fucking blood. Everyone seemed to be still for what seemed like forever. Until Bucky snapped out of it. "Shit!", he didn't hesitate to run out of the med wing and start running. He had to get to her, he had to get to her! But he soon found out that he wasn't alone, the others were behind him. Well, the ones he was on a mission with, as well as Loki, Thor, and T'Challa. But he didn't focus on that, he ran like the fires of hell were on his heels. He wouldn't stop, he didn't stop, not until he got to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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