Silver Soldier

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(I don't know who owns this, or who made it. But credit to whoever made this) (Also she doesn't have the metal arm)

Third person POV (Four months later)

It took Seven months for them to break her. To fully have her under their control. Zemo tried and failed to help his daughter. He was caught. But it was as if they were waiting for him to try and break her out like he did with her mother and father. But they didn't let him this time. This time, she was theirs. She was their Silver Solider. She belonged to them. They broke her. So she belongs to them. They failed with the Winter Solider. But not this time.

She's completely taken over. She was completely under their control. She only listened to them. To every order. She listened when she was supposed to. And only talked when she was told to. Which wasn't often. She fought when she was told to fight. She killed when she was told to kill.

She wore a mask. To hide the scars that littered her face. There wasn't many. But it went well with her combat suit. So she wore it. She didn't do anything they didn't want her to. She did everything they wanted her to do. She didn't disobey, or talk back. They broke that from her. She was a puppet. Their puppet. She was their pet. Their killing machine. Their monster. And they only let her out when they saw fit. She was nothing like the Winter Solider.

She was far worse then the Winter Solider. She's the one that gave you nightmares at night. Even some of the guard didn't want to fight her in training. Because some wouldn't leave the room alive or whole. She was that powerful.

'Do you want to meet all my monsters?
Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers
Meet them once and they'll forever haunt ya
There's no heroes or villains in this place
Just shadows that dance in my headspace
Leaving nothing but phantoms in their wake'

Her eyes. Her eyes were dual. No life. No love. No emotion. As if all emotion was turned off. Just what they wanted. Their pretty little puppet. All theirs. No one that tried to fight her. Lived to tell the tale. She was part of their plan. What was their plan you may ask? Hmmm. I'll tell you. She'll be the one to get rid of the Avengers. She'll have no Recognition of them. No emotion for them. No love. No sympathy. No nothing. And them, they won't be able to fight her. They won't be able to. Their love for her was their weakness. And what would cause their death. Because when she'll be able to kill them, they won't be able to lay a hand on her. Because of their so called 'Love' for her.

'There's parts of me I cannot hide
I've tried and tried a million times
Cross my heart and hope to die
Welcome to my darkside
To my da-da-darkside
To my da-da-darkside
To my da-da-darkside
To my da-da-darkside'

One of the higher up's watched from above. As she trained. She went against a group of guards. One person wouldn't be able to fight them all. But unlike a normal person. She wasn't normal. She was a killing machine. A monster. The higher up watched as she took down every single one of them in mere minutes. He hmm'd. He was impressed. She was much faster then the Winter Solider. Much swifter. Much faster. He turned to one of the scientists, or whatever they called themselves now a days. "When do you think she'll be ready?", he asked him. He wanted the Avengers gone. And he knew if they sent her out to do the job. She'll be able to do the job. He's seen the progress. How long it took to break her will. She was ready. She was gonna kill every single one of them. In time. Every one of the Avengers will be killed by their soulmate. And they'll have nothing standing in their way.

"She's ready. Just waiting on your call", the man told the higher up. The higher up just grazed his chin with his hand. "Hmmm. Give it a few days. A few more training days. And she'll be ready. She'll take them out, she won't feel a thing. Ha. She doesn't feel anything as it is. This won't be a problem for her", the higher up said. He laughed. As if he had just heard a joke. Instead of planning the murder of the Greatest Heroes in the world.

The scientist just nodded at his bosses words. A few more days of training and then they'll be ready. Or well, she'll be ready.

'Take a step into the havoc
Look around, this ain't even the half of it
Walking the line between panic and losing my mind
Embracing the madness
My devils they whisper in my ear
Deafening me with all my fears
I'm living in a nightmare'

The scientist watched as his boss left the room. And then he looked down at the lower floor. Bodies littered the floor. Blood everywhere. But that's not what frazed him. It was the look in her eyes. Those chilling unemotional eyes. Looking up at him. It caused a chill down his spine. He shivered. He didn't like that. He created a monster. A monster that was gonna kill the Avengers. And whoever got in her way. A dark smirk slowly began to grow on his lips. Yes. A monster that will kill her soulmates.

The once disobedient brat that once had a conscious, was long gone. This, this was just a shell of what she used to be. But the Avengers won't know the difference, until it's too late. And they'll be dead by the time they do see the difference. And they won't be a problem for them.

Yes. He liked this plan.

Not even The great Zemo can stop him and his plan.

Not the even the so called 'Queen' can stop him. She'll die by her daughters hand as well. There's no stopping her now. Not when she's like this. Broken beyond repair. She's his puppet. And she'll listen to what he says. Not to anything anyone else says.

She was his.

And he'll make sure she finishes the job.

If it's the last thing he does.

'There's parts of me I cannot hide
I've tried and tried a million times
Cross my heart and hope to die
Welcome to my darkside
To my da-da-darkside
To my da-da-darkside
To my da-da-darkside
To my da-da-darkside
Cross my heart and hope to die
Welcome to my darkside
To my da-da-darkside
To my da-da-darkside (to my darkside)
To my da-da-darkside (to my darkside)
To my da-da-darkside'

She was his Silver Solider.

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