Quiet, Too Quiet

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Third person POV

Alexandra walked through the halls. The halls felt cold. So so cold. She wrapped her arms around herself. She didn't like how cold it was. It wasn't even winter. It was the middle of June. So why was it so cold? I'll tell you why, the heart of the home was gone. This tower was missing its heart. And the heart, was Chloe. Chloe was it's heart. It's warmth.

But now, now it's so cold. Because she wasn't here. She kept the place warm and cozy. She helped make the place feel like home. Even though she was never here when Chloe was here. She could tell the place felt like home when Chloe was here. And she might have seen videos of Chloe on video tapes. She looked so happy. She was happy. With her soulmates. She was home. With them. Happy. But she was taken. Too soon.

And now, now it was quiet.

Too Quiet.

The Tower was bare of laughter. No laughter filled the halls or the rooms or anything. Everyone walked around like zombies. They hardly ate, they hardly ever came out of their room. They hardly did anything now a days.

'Some days
It's hard to see
If I was a fool
Or you a thief
Made it through the maze
To find my one in a million
And now you're just a page torn from the story I'm building'

It's been over a year. More then a damn year. That's she been gone. And she missed her twin more then anything. She feels the void everyday. She sees her in everything. In photos, in the lab, in the kitchen. Hell even in the yard. She sees Chloe everywhere.

Alexandra sniffled, a tear rolled down her cheek as she made her way to the kitchen. Normally the kitchen was bare. Except for her mother. Who forced them to eat. Because if she didn't. They wouldn't be here. That's what they've been trying to do. They've been trying to starve themselves. But her mother wouldn't let them. And if they kick up a fuss, she guilt trips them. With Chloe. Telling them Chloe wouldn't want this. And usually that's what breaks them. They end up crying while eating whatever her mother had made. It's hard to see and watch. But it has to be to done. Because it's true. It's not what Chloe would have wanted. Chloe would have wanted to eat and be healthy. Not sick and pale every single day. If Chloe was here, she would have kicked their asses for being this way.

That caused a sad smile to appear on her lips. Chloe would have totally kicked their ass for being this way. Because that's how she was. That's how her twin was. She always cared about the people that were dearest to her. She always did. She frowned. Even if it meant dying for them. She still couldn't get over the fact that Chloe died for them. She linked her life with Odval's, just to save them. Because she knew he would be after them. And so Chloe took it into her own hands. And saved them. Even though it meant giving up her life.

More and more tears streamed down her cheeks. It hurt. It hurt so damn bad. Her heart. Burned. She yearned to hug her sister again. Just one more time. Just to know she was okay. For over a year, she's wondered how she was. If she was okay, if she was happy, if she was safe. She always wondered. But she knew she would never get that answer. She would always be kept wondering.

And that's what broke her heart.

Never knowing if her sister was okay.

'And all I gave you is gone
Tumble like it was stone
Thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake
Thought we built a dynasty, like nothing ever made
Thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up
(And all I gave you is gone)
The scar I can't reverse
When the more it heals, the worse it hurts
Gave you every piece of me
No wonder it's missin'
Don't know how to be so close to someone so distant
And all I gave you is gone
Tumble like it was stone'

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