Caged Animal

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Third person POV

Both Shuri and T'Challa could only shake their heads, what were they thinking?! Even they knew better then to go up to her like that! She's been through hell, and what she's been through, they weren't surprised when they heard that she snapped. Of course she was going to snap! Her soulmates have been MIA for who knows long and her wolf probably didn't recognize Peter's scent and saw it as a threat, no matter if he was her soulmate or not. She still snapped, because she was trying to protect Chloe. And they didn't blame her, they really should have listened to Stephen. And yet, they didn't, and this is what happens when you don't listen.

T'Challa didn't know why he kept coming around when he had a whole country to rule, but he just couldn't stop coming, he had to see her, he felt things he knew he shouldn't around her. But he couldn't help it, and he might have a reason why for it. He wasn't an idiot, he knew why now, he knew why he felt this way towards her, she was his soulmate. His soulmate. And it pained to see her like this, to see her locked up like some animal, he wanted to get her out, to take her with him, seeing as the rest of these idiots didn't know how to act around her, or were too damn afraid of her. He honestly didn't know why fate gave her to them if they were just going to fear her. But he didn't, he did not fear her, he knew what she was, and he wasn't afraid, but he knew better then to approach her like Peter had done. He should have been more careful around her, should have eased into it, her wolf was just protecting her, because she didn't recognize his scent. He shook his head, worlds mightiest heroes huh? Yeah right. He wished he could take her away, bring her home with him, and he's tried to, many times, he even tried to pull the king card once, but of course they wouldn't let him. But of course the others didn't know about this, because he didn't really want to get into it with them, he knew the BS that would come out of their mouths would mean nothing, seeing as they don't even visit her, and yet they wonder why she snapped? Idiots.

Shuri could only watch as Stephen got into with the others, she was 100 percent on his side of course. She knew much more then these idiots did about werewolves, and the sad thing about it, was her own family did shit about it, could have prevented what happened to Peter if they just saw past what HYDRA did to her, and what made her mad, was the fact that they didn't, they were supposed to be her family, and yet they did nothing, how could they do that to her? She knew Chloe must be so scared and alone right now, probably feeling immense guilt for what happened, but it wasn't her fault. It was theirs, for distancing themselves like fucking idiots! They knew from day one what she was, so why didn't they think about what would happen if this were to happen? Did they think that she wouldn't attack once something like that happened to her? She warned him! But he ignored it! She gave him a warning, told him to back away, but no, they just don't fucking listen. She then looked at the others, Bucky, Natasha, Wanda, Dimitri, and also Thor and Loki, they did not look very happy with the others. She knew they were busy on a mission, she could remember that they didn't really want to go, but was forced by the man with the eye patch. They were the only ones that actually went to visit her, the ones that didn't seem like they feared her, she could see it, that they cared for her, loved her. Unlike the idiots in front of her. She knew if they had it their way, the two women would beat the shit out of everyone, well not just them, because Bucky looked seconds away from using that metal arm of his. And Loki? Oh Loki had that look in his eyes, a very scary look, and it was directed at the people in front of them.

And maybe she should have seen this coming.

Because in the next second, Thor rushed forward and wrapped his meaty hand around Tony's neck, lifting him up and choking him with his strength. "How dare you?! How dare you treat our soulmate this way?! You knew how much she hated being in the cell! And then you put her in another one, after what she went through, I am not surprised she attacked, she is what she is, and I do not fear her, not like you, she is my soulmate, she came back to us, she wanted to come home, to us! And yet, you treat her like an animal, and we all know what happens when you put an animal in a cage, they will attack! You put her through enough pain, and yet, you still feel the need to do this? To fear her, to distance yourself from her! I may not know much about werewolf's, but I know they thrive on attention and scent, and you weren't there, you weren't there for her! When she needed you most, you say you love her, you say you missed her when she was gone, but you do this? How does that show that you love her? You know she feels bad about being what she is, and you've only made it worse!", Thor was fuming with anger, angry at the idiots in front of him, how could they? How could they?! To their soulmate?! He knew how Chloe felt about being what she was, she was already afraid that she would hurt them, she was already afraid to touch them without hurting them. And this just made it worse, who knows what she feels now after this!

How could they do this to her?

He should have known this would have happened. They should have taken her with them, to Asgard, he could have kept her there, made her feel safe and happy. His people knew some about her kind, not a lot, but they wouldn't have feared her like these people here. He should have just taken her with him, to Hel with what these people say. They do not deserve her! Not with the way they treat her! They shouldn't treat her like an animal, she may be a werewolf, but she wasn't an animal! And yet they treated her like one, and he knew what happens when you cage an animal, it will snap back at you, seeing as an animal being kept in captivity for so long, it will feel the need to protect itself. And that's what she did. She protected herself, and from what he heard, she gave Peter a warning before she attacked, Peter ignored the warning, and so he got what he deserved. But he knew Chloe was probably feeling worse now, and he blamed them! If only they hadn't caged her, she wouldn't be this way, she would be back at home with them, not in a fucking cage! But no, they listened to the human man with a eye patch. He said she was dangerous, but she wasn't, she was only trying to protect herself. He grit his teeth angrily, he knew he should have broken into that stupid lock and gotten her out. He regrets not doing it, but maybe, as soon as this little 'Meeting' was over, he would go down to the cage that they have her in, and take her away. Seeing as they did not treat her right, this is not the way you treat your soulmate! He will show her how it is done, he will take her to Asgard and treat her like the princess that she deserves. He will make sure of it.

He wanted to squeeze so badly, he knew he had the strength to do it, he could squeeze and it would crush like a soda can, but he knew Chloe cared for this man, for some unknown reason, but that did not mean he will allow him around her again. If he cannot treat her right, then he will not be allowed around her. None of them will. She was his soulmate! And he will do what's best for her, and right now, he didn't think she would mind or argue with him about it. Thor hesitated but finally let Tony go, not caring when he heard the man gasping for air. "I will not let you be around her, if you cannot treat her the way she should, then you won't be allowed around her. If you truly loved her like you said, then you would've. But no, you caged her, hurt her over and over again, by giving her usual lies and distancing yourself from her. I will not let this happen again, I will not let any of you treat her like this any longer. I will do what I must to keep her safe and happy, even if it means taking her away", his voice was full of authority and anger, his need to protect her was a lot. And he could see that the idiots in front of him were about to argue about him taking her away.

But then he froze when he heard the shakiness in Shuri's voice.

"Is that blood?",

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